I would guess that a good many folk have to do 60 miles or more to audition kit. I had to drive a bit further than that to get to my "local" audio t in chandlers ford. It just comes with living outside of the major cities I guess.
(Incidently, for anyone reading, that particular branch of audio t is on the ground floor with a car park right outside. The demo room is level with the rest of the shop. I can't remember, however, if there is a step to get into the shop or whether they can provide a ramp....sorry).
However, I am not trying to excuses the lack adequate facilities in shops generally.
I went to a college in the Guildford area. As part of the course we had to experience the difficulties people with disabilities face......wheelchair users, blind, deaf, etc. I had to go shopping in Guildford in a wheelchair. It wasn't easy, especially 15 yrs ago. However, I did notice that on the whole people did try and help where they could eg Boots allowed me to use the staff lift to access the upper floor on their store.