PS3 Mains Cable Upgrade


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2007
I posted this earlier on but it seems to have disappeared - another little niggling issue or was it removed for starting a riot?!!
Anyway, as I said, I can hear the collective groan at the mention of mains upgrades but I'm just after anyone who may have already bought / tried one of these and what they have tried or own (I would search normally but want to buy over next few days so can't wait for the search to come back online).
As I said, I'm not interested in comments about how it's impossible for me to hear / see a difference and I'm an idiot for even considering it, just people who've thought about one / tried one / have one and their opinions and recommendations so I can try one for myself.


New member
Jan 21, 2008
I've actually just bought a couple of those tacima mains conditioner block thingies. Thought I never would.....but need a couple of six socket surge protection extension leads....and for £20 a pop I thought I'd give them a whirl....and try and remain open minded (as all good scientists should).


In between all that apologising, I lost track of the question!

I have a tacima too, and at twenty notes for a surge protected block for all my gear (plus the conditioning) it would be rude not to.

As for seperate mains cables, in your set up I think it a waste if you went for the Tacima option at the back end (which would be a better option than a new cable for each seperate).

As it isn't ultra high end audio, I'd spend the cash elswhere. Then again, if all your cables are in one big pile...


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2007
Thanks for the advice, unfortunately I use 8-way power blocks and without getting in an electrician to put in some extra mains spurs, this can't be changed, thus any of the mains conditioners won't work as they're only 6-ways (as much as I've seen anyway).
Thanks, I realise most people think these cables won't benefit me, what I'm after is someone who's tried it or has one and which one they tried / bought. I'm going to try this for myself (so I don't have to rely on conjecture). If it don't work, fair enough, I'll send the cable back.
Thanks for the responses so far though.


Yo Professor! Paul to the rescue. I have got a couple of Russ Andrews Yello Power cable in my system and I noticed the difference sonically when I used them with my amp and cd player. They gave a nice little boost and easily worth what you can pick them up for on ebay nowadays. The new Powermax thingy they replaced it with is a good 10-15 pound more and that is also meant to good.

Tear Drop

New member
Apr 23, 2008
Well considering the PS3 is quite a good high-def source, then using a good quality mains cable is a no-brainer. I have and the improvements are extremely obvious.


Guest have cut their prices classic tarantula lead 35 down from 50, let me know how you get on with whatever you purchase as ill probably do the same thing. looking to get a conditioning block first so the tacima or the merlin classic tarantula block (unsure if it actually conditions though!)75 down from 150

Tear Drop

New member
Apr 23, 2008
Experience Filtration - not sure if the company is still around, I see some of their stuff on a certain bidding website from time to time. I have still yet to hear better, and I've heard the Nordosts, Shunyatas, PS Audios and on and on.


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2007
Sorry, Paul! Didn't mean to ignore you, only had a few minutes to reply earlier so didn't have a chance to check yours out. From the look of it, it's a kettle type lead isn't it? Unfortunately the PS3 uses a figure of 8 type lead so need one like this. However, will be looking at one for the TV and new Onkyo at some point as well so I'll check this one out then!


No probs only messing. You can get an IEC adaptor (usually green/black colour) from ebay for around a fiver that is what I am doing. I am running a Supra LoRad mains cable with the adaptor from my Tosh XE1 to my Panny Plasma and I it is better than the standard cable.


professorhat:Sorry, Paul! Didn't mean to ignore you, only had a few minutes to reply earlier so didn't have a chance to check yours out. From the look of it, it's a kettle type lead isn't it? Unfortunately the PS3 uses a figure of 8 type lead so need one like this. However, will be looking at one for the TV and new Onkyo at some point as well so I'll check this one out then!
you may have your work cut out for you finding one of those badboys, i have either seen/read about them somewhere but can't remember where! i have a kettle lead on mine thank god! 60gb version bought it it just b4 xmas, is yours an earlier version or 40gb? just wonderin when they've changed it!?!


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2007
Do you know what - I went mad! I also have an older 60Gb version and for some reason just assumed it was figure of 8 (must have been thinking of the PS2). It does use a kettle lead so all good!


Yeh I thought so when I suggested the cable to you. I mean I don't have one only a ps2 so you have no excuse. hehe


Hey prof. I don't know about the PS3 but the Chord Power C(h)ord is supposed to be excellent for A-V equipment. Picture quality supposed to be markedly improved and all that jazz...


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2007
Cheers matey, I got caught up last week and all weekend in work and other bits so haven't ordered yet. Will have a good look at all these options tonight I think, possibly order a few different kinds and do some comparisons.


Why not buy a Tacima 6 way block along with a 4 way plug from Maplins (or E bay), much better having one earthing point for 4 pieces of equipment, just ensure the collective load stays well below 13amps. I use Russ Andrews mains cable to all my gear, have done for years.
Good value for money for the improvements it gives. IMHO


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2007
Hi Trevor,
Just so I understand, do you mean plug a standard 4-way into the wall socket, then plug the Tacima into this? That way plug equipment which would benefit from the Tacima into that (TV, amp, PS3, CD player etc) and other items into the other 3 sockets on the 4-way (like my network switch, Xbox controller charger etc). I hadn't thought of this and it's a good idea. I'm assuming since my current 8-way has no issues with everything plugged into it, then it must be running under 13 amps otherwise the fuse in this would blow.
I may well look into doing this unless anyone can think of a reason why not? On the mains cables, I'm going to order a few and try them out. So far, I've only ordered the Clearer Audio Silverline (which I'm thinking of for either the TV or the Onkyo 905 receiver). I'm also going to get something around the £80-£100 mark (maybe the Merlin Black Widow) and the £30 Russ Andrews Powermax Plus and have a play around with each to see how much difference they make on each piece of equipment. I'll post my thoughts back, but it'll be 2 weeks at least as the Clearer Audio isn't due to be dispatched till the 7th.


Sorry should have been a bit clearer. What I meant was buy a Multi-Way Mains Plug only £7.99 from Maplins. I use one myself.

Order Code: VD02C

Plug this into the Tacima block, then it will leave you with another 5 to use. Your ring main is probably running with a 30A circuit breaker in the consumer unit so you should be getting good ampage to your Tacima block which will be fused @13A. I have cut down on the number of individual fuses myself and used circuit breakers instead to provide protection. (reduces the line inductance off the mains) This helps as well to make your system sing!


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2007
Nope, nothing yet. I'm kind of waiting for the Clearer Audio Silver line to turn up first (being dispatched on Monday apparently). Since it cost over £200 (I got a 1.5m version for a bit of flexibility) my guess is, since it got 5 stars in WHF, if I see no difference on this, I'm not gonna see any difference on a 5 star £30 cable so I might as well wait for this to turn up and test this before I test anything else.
I will also look into Trevor's suggestion on the Maplin / Tacima hook up at some point. Don't panic - any news, I'll be on this thread like a record contract on a new romantic band in the early 80s...


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