So how exactly can You use a plug without a Fuse? surely when You remove the Fuse the current will no pass through to You equipment?
Admitedly any spikes in Your power suply should never reach any electrical equipment as these provideing You have the correctly rated RCD in Your consumer unit, should result in the corrisponding RCD tripping out, but I could forsee just how successfull any insurance clame would be ifit were found that the were not any fuses in the units plugs.
Personally, running off a dedicated spur (not a house ring main) I run the line off a 20A RCD direct to a Tacima block on 40A screened cable with a strong earth. With all my equipment fitted with mains internal fusing I elect not to use plug fuses (contary to regs, I know) so have soldered wire across. If in the worst case of a short out in the plug it would blow the protection of the wire at both ends, so no equipment damage or fire hazards. I will probably get around to adding internal circuit breakers to the units later. I do not advocate using mains supply without protection.
Running Your electric in this way sounds like it going to be fun when/if You sell Your house!
I had My sparkie install a seperate spur direct from the consumer unit for My setup using a higher grade armoured power cable for better power distrubtion,but the RCD in the consumer unit is designed as a first port of call should You get a spike but is not 100% and a spike can still get past it before it trips. Personally I think I will be sticking to a Quality Fused plug!