poor blu rays

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The_Lhc said:
Ok, that's useful information, cheers.

No worries

Just so your aware though, most of what I wrote wasnt directed at you at all, more the posters in general on here (Im sure they know who they are to a degree)
aliEnRIK said:
The_Lhc said:
Yes, I'm worried about that, even the DVDs show the model work too faithfully for it to remain realistic, I'm a little surprised George hasn't CGI'd the whole lot yet (perhaps he's saving that for the 3D versions...).


See, the last 3 star wars 'CGI'ed to hell were awful.

That wasn't entirely the fault of the CGI though (although some of it was dreadful, Anakin riding the lizard thing in Clowns), they were badly scripted and acted (although the later wasn't the fault of the actors).

I would personally like 2 versions of the originals -

warts and all (Uprated sound though)

and added cgi but well done cgi - as in genuinely makes the film seem better (If he can actually manage that task - im beginning to think not). As with anything of this nature - less is more (Something I wish george would learn)

Yeah, it's mainly the Death Star scenes I'm thinking about, maybe it's nostalgia but I'm sure they used to look so much better when I used to watch the old VHS copies I had, now they just look like models, the sense of scale has disappeared for some reason. If they could bring that back with some subtle CGI I'd be quite happy but I don't think George knows the meaning of the word subtle...
Enough, again, with the off-topic introspection please! Any more replies off-topic will be deleted.

Back on topic - Blu-rays i've been particularly disappointed by (but fortunately saw here before I parted with any cash) are Bram Stoker's Dracula and Silence of the Lambs
aliEnRIK said:
maxflinn said:
yet you can presumably recall a moving photographic image of the picture on your tv in the evening, and somehow compare it with the picture on your tv at 4am, then declare as fact that there is a noticeable difference?

When I was talking about ABX etc I was talking about sound (Thus - the switch box)

I can tell straight away if my tv is displaying a better picture than normal or not
the trouble is rik is that you place an awful lot of trust in your own judgement, and often state as fact that there are differences in all sorts of av related things based on that judgement, even though there is never any proof of these differences, only your word on them..

then when someone challenges your facts views you assume they are attacking you and proceed to announce that they clearly don't know what they're talking about, also dropping little innuendos in there about why people might be leaving the forum, and deliberately addressing people using part of their name in a clearly derogatory manner whilst typing out a long detailed reply and claiming you didn't spell their full name out of laziness on your part...

deal with debate rik, you're going to be involved in alot of it if you continue to make claims that are unsubstantiated outside of your head..
Clare Newsome said:
Blu-rays i've been particularly disappointed by (but fortunately saw here before I parted with any cash) are Bram Stoker's Dracula

Really? Drat, having read the book last year that was one I'd put on my b-list of possible purchases, what's wrong with it? I read a review somewhere which didn't seem to suggest it was that bad?
The picture quality could/should be better (decent LPCM soundtrack, tho). I don't object to it looking grainy - it's a film largely shot in low light, after all - but the contrast and colour were disappointing. Far from the worst i've seen, but I just expect more from Coppola, I guess!
professorhat said:
The_Lhc said:
what's wrong with it?

Keanu Reeves' performance was enough to ensure I never watch it again. It literally made me angry!

It was an odd choice admittedly, I can't remember much about the film, I only saw it at the cinema and was curious to see how it compares to the book, given they used Stoker's name on it.
Clare Newsome said:
The picture quality could/should be better (decent LPCM soundtrack, tho). I don't object to it looking grainy - it's a film largely shot in low light, after all - but the contrast and colour were disappointing.

Hmm, it was a while ago but I've got vague recollections it had a somewhat washed out look in the cinema as well. I might be wrong though, far too many years have passed to be certain about it!


None of the movies I have on DVD I have re-purchased on bluray, so a direct comparison is impossible for me. While I do have quite a few titles, I've not come across one which is no better than DVD, let alone VHS. Some bluray releases are significantly better while others are merely a small improvement, maybe I've been lucky in that regard, and I was considering getting the start wars release, but I'm also intrigued bu the 3D release scheduled later.
FrankHarveyHiFi said:
Imagine Ted Theodore Logan impersonating an English toff.

I don't think it's fair he takes all the flack. Are we forgetting Winona Ryder's "performance"?
manicm said:
Frankly I think all modern Dracula movies were rubbish. This is one story that's begging for a proper re-boot on screen.

Hmm, not sure I agree, Dracula's been done plenty of different ways, Coppola's version is closer to the book than any other version I've seen.


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