poor blu rays

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True to an extent, but there are some Blu-rays which rise above DVDs no matter how good the scaler in your DVD player is. I tend to run comparisons on discs that I buy / rent when I have the DVD as well and as I remember, Heat was in that category of being significantly better in terms of detail and black levels as well as colour (when you leave out the film is purposefully subdued). Also, the upgrade on the audio front would clearly only be noticable on a surround sound system, but then I think it would be unfair to judge a Blu-ray's performance as the same as the DVD just because you don't own one.
professorhat said:
True to an extent, but there are some Blu-rays which rise above DVDs no matter how good the scaler in your DVD player is. I tend to run comparisons on discs that I buy / rent when I have the DVD as well and as I remember, Heat was in that category of being significantly better in terms of detail and black levels as well as colour (when you leave out the film is purposefully subdued). Also, the upgrade on the audio front would clearly only be noticable on a surround sound system, but then I think it would be unfair to judge a Blu-ray's performance as the same as the DVD just because you don't own one.

I do own a copy of Heat on DVD. I haven't check it in a direct comparison as yet but I'll dig it out tonight and let you know. The blu ray certainly seemed to under preform to me. I've definitely heard Dolby Digital sound better than the True HD on this disc. Mind you, I do think watching films in the day time even with the blinds close, does leave something to be desired. There's more background noise and obviously light to contend with.
Jase Brown said:
Mind you, I do think watching films in the day time even with the blinds close, does leave something to be desired. There's more background noise and obviously light to contend with.

Theres more 'mains noise' during the day, which can and does affect hifi/av

Ive found freeview on my tv can look far better in the early hours of the morning when most people are in bed and theres far less 'mains pollution' going on.

Ive no desire at ALL to get into a debate about this (just in case somone tries to jump on me as they seem to love to on here)
aliEnRIK said:
Jase Brown said:
Mind you, I do think watching films in the day time even with the blinds close, does leave something to be desired. There's more background noise and obviously light to contend with.

Theres more 'mains noise' during the day, which can and does affect hifi/av

Ive found freeview on my tv can look far better in the early hours of the morning when most people are in bed and theres far less 'mains pollution' going on.

Ive no desire at ALL to get into a debate about this (just in case somone tries to jump on me as they seem to love to on here)
poppycock 🙂
manicm said:
Yes, I have, but these were mainly very old movies like The Third Man...

One of my favouritist films, ever, ever, and IMHO the worst Blu-ray 'restoration'/re-release, to date

Really hoping that the BD of Apocalypse Now is a good 'un...
maxflinn said:
poppycock 🙂

I love how you try and get a rise out of people by posting on a forum where its entirely safe and the worst that could happen is you get banned

Tell me max, do you fair just as well in the real world? 🙂
half the planet are currently watching the champions league semi rik yet my picture is flawless..
maxflinn said:
half the planet are currently watching the champions league semi rik yet my picture is flawless..

Clearly you have no concept of what I was actually saying

As a side note - how do you know your picture is 'flawless'?
aliEnRIK said:
maxflinn said:
half the planet are currently watching the champions league semi rik yet my picture is flawless..

Clearly you have no concept of what I was actually saying

As a side note - how do you know your picture is 'flawless'?
i honestly don't rik, do you?

ok i'll put it another way, my picture looks very good, very sharp, detailed, just as hd should

you're saying it would look better if there was less "mains pollution"

firstly how could anyone possibly remember how a given image looks at 4am as opposed to 4pm

and more importantly, how, why would it look any different just because less people are watching tv at the time?

once the tv is connected to the mains that's enough, there is no such thing as quality or cleanliness of electricity..
aliEnRIK said:
Ive no desire at ALL to get into a debate about this (just in case somone tries to jump on me as they seem to love to on here)

I've never understood why people say that. This is a discussion forum, if you don't want something discussed, don't mention it!
The_Lhc said:
aliEnRIK said:
Ive no desire at ALL to get into a debate about this (just in case somone tries to jump on me as they seem to love to on here)

I've never understood why people say that. This is a discussion forum, if you don't want something discussed, don't mention it!

Ill say what I like because others might listen.

I have no desire to debate because it bores me to death. I dont post to debate, I post to let people know 'MY' experiences, not just what I can google. What I dont want is to post then get attacked just because somone feels my experiences are worthless. Im pretty sure not everyone feels that way, so my posts are for them.

I also find it a waste of time trying to debate with some people that dont even have a clue what theyre talking about. And those that do seemingly know what theyre talking about are immovable objects anyways so its pointless (futile even)

Whether you understand that or not I dont care, but perhaps youve noticed a few people posting about leaving or just not happy in general of late?
Clare Newsome said:
Please can we get back on topic - or I will prune this thread...

A lot of the 1st blurays to appear (like Escape) were pretty poor due to using very poor source material (Some, like Escape, I feel are a complete con)

Ive personally found a lot of what comes out now tends to trounce dvds mind (Including tv shows - heroes, sons of anarchy, spartacus etc etc)

Im not happy with the amount of grain in The Walking Dead though. Very off putting (Awesome series though)
Jase Brown said:
I do own a copy of Heat on DVD. I haven't check it in a direct comparison as yet but I'll dig it out tonight and let you know. The blu ray certainly seemed to under preform to me. I've definitely heard Dolby Digital sound better than the True HD on this disc. Mind you, I do think watching films in the day time even with the blinds close, does leave something to be desired. There's more background noise and obviously light to contend with.

Worth doing I'd say - would be interested to hear your views. I'm going by memory as my DVDs are now all in storage so I can't redo it, but I do remember there being a significant improvement.
aliEnRIK said:
The_Lhc said:
aliEnRIK said:
Ive no desire at ALL to get into a debate about this (just in case somone tries to jump on me as they seem to love to on here)

I've never understood why people say that. This is a discussion forum, if you don't want something discussed, don't mention it!

Ill say what I like because others might listen.
I understand that but it's akin to putting your dinner on the floor in front of a pack of hungry dogs and expecting them not to eat it.
I have no desire to debate because it bores me to death. I dont post to debate, I post to let people know 'MY' experiences,
Write a blog then and disable comments but it's naive to expect that to happen here and you've been here long enough to know which topics incite those sort of responses. I'm not suggesting you censor yourself just don't get wound up when someone takes issue with it.

What I dont want is to post then get attacked just because somone feels my experiences are worthless. Im pretty sure not everyone feels that way, so my posts are for them.
And those people will take what they want from your comments, so I wouldn't worry about the others.

Whether you understand that or not I dont care, but perhaps youve noticed a few people posting about leaving or just not happy in general of late?

Ah I was wondering if that was my fault, I wish people would just say so.
Bit too much hard work quoting, so ill cheat

"I understand that but it's akin to putting your dinner on the floor in front of a pack of hungry dogs and expecting them not to eat it."

Its a forum. Everyone can do what they like. But if I post that I dont want a debate then somone tries it on, then theyre asking for something other than a debate from me 😉

"Write a blog then and disable comments but it's naive to expect that to happen here and you've been here long enough to know which topics incite those sort of responses. I'm not suggesting you censor yourself just don't get wound up when someone takes issue with it."

Im well aware of the differences of opinion. Thats absolutely fine, and ive no problem with people saying as such. What does my head in is when people comment (usually something simple like 'BS' without actually backing up thier argument) simply to try to upset the original posters. If anyone feels different then they should simply post whavever THEY feel. Not start attacking other members. If you feel attacking other members is the way forward then id have to disagree.

Just of note on another forum - I had one guy (clearly quite a clever guy) who thought it was his civic duty to put everyone right and generally talk down to everyone that he felt were missguided. Thats a big no from me too.

Im a big believer in measurements - and when they finally get decent measureing equipment im 100% sure there will be a big turn around for a lot of people. Im a none believer in ABX testing as it does get very confusing for many people - who can really remember what a small passage of music sounded like a minute ago. And anything that goes through an ABX 'switch' (which is generally regarded as the ultimate ABX test) is also a no from me as youve just added a SWITCH to a circuit. I want a clean signal from my interconnects. In my experience, switches are made by those that dont believe cables make a difference and neither do switches so they make very poor switches which I personally believe degrade the sound. So if it degrades the sound its small wonder no one can tell a difference!

Theres lots more to this subject but ill leave that there and move on to whatever else you said..........

"And those people will take what they want from your comments, so I wouldn't worry about the others."

I certainly aint worrying

"Ah I was wondering if that was my fault, I wish people would just say so."

Our main union rep said something similar. So I said in front of everyone that he was definitely not to blame.

I would say the way you confront people you disagree with is a part of the problem (Im not getting confrontational myself, im just telling you what I believe like you asked). But for the record, your not one of the main guys so I wouldnt worry too much about it.
Add Battlestar Gallactica Pilot episode and Robocop to that list. They are pretty bad. Is anyone else looking forward to Star Wars on Bluray, its going to be fantastic!
duaplex said:
Is anyone else looking forward to Star Wars on Bluray, its going to be fantastic!

Yes and no. The original trilogy are awesome. But I suspect bluray is going to show plenty of warts along with them!
aliEnRIK said:
Bit too much hard work quoting, so ill cheat

"I understand that but it's akin to putting your dinner on the floor in front of a pack of hungry dogs and expecting them not to eat it."

Its a forum. Everyone can do what they like. But if I post that I dont want a debate then somone tries it on, then theyre asking for something other than a debate from me 😉

"Write a blog then and disable comments but it's naive to expect that to happen here and you've been here long enough to know which topics incite those sort of responses. I'm not suggesting you censor yourself just don't get wound up when someone takes issue with it."

Im well aware of the differences of opinion. Thats absolutely fine, and ive no problem with people saying as such. What does my head in is when people comment (usually something simple like 'BS' without actually backing up thier argument) simply to try to upset the original posters. If anyone feels different then they should simply post whavever THEY feel. Not start attacking other members. If you feel attacking other members is the way forward then id have to disagree.

Just of note on another forum - I had one guy (clearly quite a clever guy) who thought it was his civic duty to put everyone right and generally talk down to everyone that he felt were missguided. Thats a big no from me too.

Im a big believer in measurements - and when they finally get decent measureing equipment im 100% sure there will be a big turn around for a lot of people. Im a none believer in ABX testing as it does get very confusing for many people - who can really remember what a small passage of music sounded like a minute ago. And anything that goes through an ABX 'switch' (which is generally regarded as the ultimate ABX test) is also a no from me as youve just added a SWITCH to a circuit. I want a clean signal from my interconnects. In my experience, switches are made by those that dont believe cables make a difference and neither do switches so they make very poor switches which I personally believe degrade the sound. So if it degrades the sound its small wonder no one can tell a difference!

Theres lots more to this subject but ill leave that there and move on to whatever else you said..........

"And those people will take what they want from your comments, so I wouldn't worry about the others."

I certainly aint worrying

"Ah I was wondering if that was my fault, I wish people would just say so."

Our main union rep said something similar. So I said in front of everyone that he was definitely not to blame.

I would say the way you confront people you disagree with is a part of the problem (Im not getting confrontational myself, im just telling you what I believe like you asked). But for the record, your not one of the main guys so I wouldnt worry too much about it.
yet you can presumably recall a moving photographic image of the picture on your tv in the evening, and somehow compare it with the picture on your tv at 4am, then declare as fact that there is a noticeable difference?
aliEnRIK said:
Bit too much hard work quoting, so ill cheat

"I understand that but it's akin to putting your dinner on the floor in front of a pack of hungry dogs and expecting them not to eat it."

Its a forum. Everyone can do what they like. But if I post that I dont want a debate then somone tries it on, then theyre asking for something other than a debate from me 😉

Understandable, but you could you just ignore them, I fell out with Bretty months ago and he said he wasn't going to reply to anything else I said and to his credit, he didn't, even when I was being nice! There's only a handful of people here that do what you mentioned, so it shouldn't take too much to ignore them. That was one of the great things about NNTP, the killfile, you just dump someone in there and then you never see their posts again (unless somebody quotes one!). Web forums could definitely do with an equivalent, I know I'd use it (and I know I'd end up in a lot of other peoples as well!).

"Write a blog then and disable comments but it's naive to expect that to happen here and you've been here long enough to know which topics incite those sort of responses. I'm not suggesting you censor yourself just don't get wound up when someone takes issue with it."

Im well aware of the differences of opinion. Thats absolutely fine, and ive no problem with people saying as such. What does my head in is when people comment (usually something simple like 'BS' without actually backing up thier argument) simply to try to upset the original posters. If anyone feels different then they should simply post whavever THEY feel. Not start attacking other members. If you feel attacking other members is the way forward then id have to disagree.

It's a fine line though, take this instance, clearly Max disagrees with you on that particular topic but I don't think he was necessarily trying to upset you, the smiley seemed to suggest he was just riffing on an old, familiar topic of disagreement (although I'm not one of those that thinks you can get away with saying anything just because you stick a smiley on the end).

Just of note on another forum - I had one guy (clearly quite a clever guy) who thought it was his civic duty to put everyone right and generally talk down to everyone that he felt were missguided. Thats a big no from me too.

I don't think I do that, generally if I disagree with something it's usually because whatever's been said is illogical or is an unsupportable statement (or demonstrably factually wrong). My trouble is that that can be any statement, even something trivial and not related to the matter at hand, which is probably why I cause a fair amount of thread-drift, which I know annoys people.

Im a big believer in measurements - and when they finally get decent measureing equipment im 100% sure there will be a big turn around for a lot of people. Im a none believer in ABX testing as it does get very confusing for many people - who can really remember what a small passage of music sounded like a minute ago.

Yes, I've often thought that myself, I know I can't, in fact I find listening to unfamiliar speakers or systems in isolation largely a waste of time as I can't remember what anything else I've listened to sounds like (including my own system), unless it's right there as well.

I also don't actually see the point of ABX testing as it seems to be designed to test solely if you can reliably pick A from B but why does that matter, surely the only point is if you can actually hear a difference or not; can you hear a difference, if yes, pick the one you like most and use that, if not, use either of them as it's clearly not making any difference to you.

And anything that goes through an ABX 'switch' (which is generally regarded as the ultimate ABX test) is also a no from me as youve just added a SWITCH to a circuit. I want a clean signal from my interconnects. In my experience, switches are made by those that dont believe cables make a difference and neither do switches so they make very poor switches which I personally believe degrade the sound. So if it degrades the sound its small wonder no one can tell a difference!

Theres lots more to this subject but ill leave that there and move on to whatever else you said..........

Yeah, I've never really looked into it, so I don't have much to say on that.

"And those people will take what they want from your comments, so I wouldn't worry about the others."

I certainly aint worrying

Well, I meant to the point of bothering to dignify them with a response.

"Ah I was wondering if that was my fault, I wish people would just say so."

Our main union rep said something similar. So I said in front of everyone that he was definitely not to blame.

I wasn't being entirely serious, I don't think I've had a conversation with Gerrardsanails for some time, so I'd have been surprised if it was me.

I would say the way you confront people you disagree with is a part of the problem

Yes, I know what you're saying but if you disagree with someone then there's always going to be an element of confrontation, although I would say I don't stoop to name calling (at least I don't recall ever doing that) and generally my tone is intended as being calm discussion, although people do seem to take it the opposite way, possibly because I get to the point (if something is wrong, I'll say "that's wrong", I don't see the point in beating around the bush). The only time I get exasperated is when I find myself having to repeat a point I've already made because it's been missed or mis-interpreted, that's more frustrating than anything else, I find.

(Im not getting confrontational myself, im just telling you what I believe like you asked).

No, that's fine, exactly what I wanted in fact, "argument" doesn't have to mean "angry", I wish more people realised that.

But for the record, your not one of the main guys so I wouldnt worry too much about it.

Ok, that's useful information, cheers.
aliEnRIK said:
duaplex said:
Is anyone else looking forward to Star Wars on Bluray, its going to be fantastic!

Yes and no. The original trilogy are awesome. But I suspect bluray is going to show plenty of warts along with them!

Yes, I'm worried about that, even the DVDs show the model work too faithfully for it to remain realistic, I'm a little surprised George hasn't CGI'd the whole lot yet (perhaps he's saving that for the 3D versions...).
maxflinn said:
yet you can presumably recall a moving photographic image of the picture on your tv in the evening, and somehow compare it with the picture on your tv at 4am, then declare as fact that there is a noticeable difference?

When I was talking about ABX etc I was talking about sound (Thus - the switch box)

I can tell straight away if my tv is displaying a better picture than normal or not
The_Lhc said:
Yes, I'm worried about that, even the DVDs show the model work too faithfully for it to remain realistic, I'm a little surprised George hasn't CGI'd the whole lot yet (perhaps he's saving that for the 3D versions...).


See, the last 3 star wars 'CGI'ed to hell were awful. I would personally like 2 versions of the originals -

warts and all (Uprated sound though)

and added cgi but well done cgi - as in genuinely makes the film seem better (If he can actually manage that task - im beginning to think not). As with anything of this nature - less is more (Something I wish george would learn)


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