Tonestar1 said:
It's the belittlement of other enthusiasts that winds me up.
The continual regurgitation of comments like "They may be too honest for certain people" drive me nuts. As does "active is always better than passive, no crossovers. That's what recording studios use so it must be better ”. Finally "Once you hear AVI you forget about upgrades and just enjoy the music"
The message seems to be, if you can't hear how great AVI are then you must be physically/mentally/aurally deficient in some manner. Emperors new clothes springs to mind. How can these reviews be taken seriously when they continually repeat the same statements.
It’s insulting to people whom have spent years building systems that they love to listen too.
If user reviews actually felt a bit more organic or non-scripted then I would be far keener to read. As soon as I read any of the quotes above or derivatives thereof I completely switch off.
And yet still you read.
Avi aren't that special, but they do make very good speakers. Nothing revolutionary, nothing new. But unusually good at the price.
You can get similar vfm if you venture out of the big mark up Hi-fi stores and vist a pro audio shop...but then you usually lose the nice finish and grilles.
I'm an ADM9T owner. They are really good at the price, great if you add a sub (I have used 2 non-Avi ones to great effect), but I'm glad to say the market is slowly waking up to the benefit of actives.
And again. To people who don't like the threads...why read? why spend your valuable time commenting only to say it's boring? That I find bizarre. I find channel 5 seriously dull, and guess what...I don't write in and complain, I simply don't tune in.
And whether you like it or not, many people who have also spent years building up systems have turned to the active side and with it realised something.
That's not to belittle any passive system choice, not at all. But where there are fish, there are usually seagulls...