Panasonic TXP50VT65B


New member
Nov 18, 2007
Have finally updated my old Toshiba 36" crt for the Panasonic TXP50VT65B. It arrives tomorrow first flat screen and plasma I have owned.

Being new to plasma will the out of the box setting surfice or is there any setting or mode I should consider changing? I belive that you also have to run them in for so long, also what is the best way to aviod any IR or screen burn issues.Any advice would be much appreciated.
billsmith1of8 said:
Have finally updated my old Toshiba 36" crt for the Panasonic TXP50VT65B. It arrives tomorrow fist flat screen and plasma I have owned.

Being new to plasma will the out of the box setting surfice or is there any setting or mode I should consider changing? I belive that you also have to run them in for so long, also what is the best way to aviod any IR or screen burn issues.Any advice would be much appreciated.

Leave it on normal settings for the first 200 hours at least! Don't pause, don't game. Watch out for Sky Sports news channel - don't leave it for long on it.
Select either the cinema or normal picture mode...avoid photo and dynamic like the plague,then adjust the contrast and brightness to under half,turn of processing such as cats and turn pixal orbitor to on.

I ran mine for about 3 weeks,24/7,then used a self calibration disk to get the correct contrast,brightness and colour.

Enjoy your new tv 🙂
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