55inch OLED or 4K or well neither!?


New member
Jun 15, 2016
Hi all,

'so I currently have a lovely old Panasonic 42inch plasma, which has served me well (Th-42pz81b) 'but it's probably time for an upgrade. I basically watch regular sky content, some HD on sky and loads of streaming content via Kodi, so quality is mostly 720p or 1080p, oh also some gaming on a PS3.

this all goes through a Sony 820 amp and an aging but excellent 5.1 mission m cube system, for sound. (Still the best looking 5.1 system ever made in my opinion, it even comes with 4 different colour wraps!)

I was looking at the LG 55EG960V, as now that Plasma is no more (alas) it seems OLED is the next best thing, and this bad boy has 4K in it too, does this sound like a good idea? Or is this overkill for my needs, as I think essentially I have zero 4K content so it'll be upscaling 99.9% of the content that goes through it(!) and unless sky decide tomorrow to start transmitting all their content in 4K tomorrow I'll be unlikely to bother with it (I have zero interest in 4K discs etc, as I'm of the opinion that any content on any form of physical media is simply a waste of time as has such a short shelf life, vhs,dvd,blu-ray etc etc )

Should I just go with just a regular 55" LED and forget the OLED/4K side of things?

oh finally I'll be getting the new ps4.5 which is highly likely to be 4K compatible, so maybe best to future proof with 4K as an option?

any advice welcome here!

so to sum up, I'm after a 55" that makes all the above content look as amazing as it can!

Thanks so much
If you just want to go bigger, to 55 inches, then stick with Full HD. You don't sound certain about wanting 4K, and the latest thing is not only 4K resolution, but HDR processing, which makes a bigger difference to a picture than the increase in resolution.

In your shoes, and having seen a small (40") version of this three weeks ago (which gave the best out-of-the-box performance that I can remember seeing of any television, ever), I would go for the Saumsing UE55H6400. It's two years old now, and about to be discontinued about a year later than most television lines last, but it is very, very good. One review here http://www.trustedreviews.com/samsung-ue55h6400-review (John Archer is wrong when he says edge-lit, it's direct-lit.) . Richer Sounds are still doing it in some stores, but you'll have to move fast, click for availability http://www.richersounds.com/product/tv---all/samsung/ue55h6400/sams-ue55h6400. 55 inches will seem bigger than your existing 42-inch plasma, but you get used to it quickly. Are you sure that I can't tempt you to the 65" version? *dance4*
Henryjames said:
Budget I guess around £1500

so is HDR worth looking at?
On some TVs it's worth looking at and on some not. I would go for a 1080p TV. Get the biggest and best you can for example a Sony 65w85 costs £1150 or an ordinary OLED is £1300. If you want 4K you could look at Sony or Samsung TVs. I think Sony has some good ones, I will link them.
Henryjames said:
So is OLED worth getting over 4K and HDR? Or vice versa?

4k and hdr will look better than 1080p oled. but that depends if you are able to afford the new players and the added premium for the discs..
Ok so if 90% of the content I play is standard over air sky def, 720p or 1080p am I best going with 4K and HDR or OLED? I.e what's the best combo of these new techs for my (possibly basic) needs, OLED, 4K, HDR or anything else? And which combo of the above?m

thanks ahead for this!
Henryjames said:
Ok so if 90% of the content I play is standard over air sky def, 720p or 1080p am I best going with 4K and HDR or OLED? I.e what's the best combo of these new techs for my (possibly basic) needs, OLED, 4K, HDR or anything else? And which combo of the above?m

thanks ahead for this!
It depends on when you think you will watch 4K. For your current needs, 1080p TV is enough. But if you think you'll watch a lot of 4K over the next 1-2 years, it may be better to invest in 4K.
Son-of-SJ should have a wee word with Comrade Sturgeon, and ask why the SNPBC isn't planning on rolling out 4k broadcasts, because 4K is coming in a big way everywhere else other the civilized World.

Maybe not this year, but certainly next.

1080p set sales at 40 inches and over have all but dried up in the US.

So if you buy the very very best 1080p set now, you'll be like the guy who bought the very very best black and white set just before the BBC and ITV started broadcasting in colour.


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