Panasonic TH-46PZ81


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I have seen this telly being rated as "best buy" amoung 46" sets. Suppose we leave out the Freesat HD feature, would TH-46PZ81 still be recommended as the best buy ? If not what would be top of the list ? Although the question looks addressed to what hi-fi editors, I would appreciate comments from anyone. Thanks!
If you are not interested in Freesat, then look at the 46PZ85, very similar spec. minus the Freesat tuner, or the even cheaper 46PZ80.

They all have the same 1080p panel and Vreal processor, so PQ is going to be similar.

Isn't for some weird and strange reason the SD performance of the PZ81's supposed to be better than that of the PZ85's? I have read enough owner opinions that many find the SD performance of the PZ85 disappointing while a few find it acceptable or very good - most reviews however do not criticise the PZ81 for SD PQ as much as they do for the PZ85 - I thought they were exactly the same panel and electronics - just athe features that differ so I wonder why the difference?
Thanks. Esentially I want to buy that TV which offers the best possible image quality now, any extras a model offers comparing with another I put second place. Also looking to make an aquisition I will not regret in 2 yrs time (having in mind expected substitution of SD with HD (TV channels, discs, etc)). So here is my "small" dilemma that I cannot sort out yet. I see a lot of experienced people writing on these forums so... please help me out! I also see a lot of people having the same dilema..
...given my current room set up I am targeting 42"-46" TVs but open to somehow consider 50" as well if there is a 50" model offering substantially more image quality that I can get from 42-46"s. Thanks!
adrianl:Thanks. Esentially I want to buy that TV which offers the best possible image quality now, any extras a model offers comparing with another I put second place. Also looking to make an aquisition I will not regret in 2 yrs time (having in mind expected substitution of SD with HD (TV channels, discs, etc)). So here is my "small" dilemma that I cannot sort out yet. I see a lot of experienced people writing on these forums so... please help me out! I also see a lot of people having the same dilema..Pioneer PDPLX5090 is the best 50", or the 5080XD if you cant afford that.

What's your viewing distance?
I can afford LX5090 but want to get the comfort that it worth the premium otherwise I would like to be a little bit more pragmatic..

Viewing distance is about 4.2m (main) or 3m (secondary). For now I will primarily watch SD (tv/dvds) but see that evolving towards HD in the year to come from now. Thanks


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