Panasonic TH-42PX80 or Sony KDL40V3000 whats best


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Aug 10, 2019
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I am looking to buy either of the above 2 tvs, i have £700 to spend on a new set.

Can anyone tell me what 1 to choose, i will be hooking up a ps3 and a xbox 360 to the set.

I have never owned a plasma before and am worried about screenburn from the consoles.



Well-known member
Dec 28, 2007
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There's a few of us here on these forums that regularly play games on plasmas and screen burn is not an issue (despite for myself, falling asleep and leaving a static game image on the screen for 6-8 hours at a time). You may get image retention every now and then, but this is a very different beast from screen burn and does not affect the gaming experience in the slightest.
I can't advise on those two sets, but just to let you know that screen burn is not a concern on modern plasmas under normal usage.


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Dec 5, 2007
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For any kind of tv/dvd/blu-ray viewing the PX80 is better by a country mile. If you're intending on doing any of these, I'd go for the plasma. I's only consider the Sony if you're going to be using it purely as a gaming screen. As long as you're careful with the plasma it would be fine with gaming. Just treat it with kid gloves for the first few hundred hours of use - keep the settings low and give the screen a break by switching over to another channel for a little while after every hour or two of gaming. After that initial period of the pixels 'bedding in', the screen should become a fair bit more robust with regards to retention. I think a small amount of caution is a small price to pay for the superior picture quality that you get in return.


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