robg1976 said:The Tacima mains block will definitely not affect your amp.
robg1976 said:...if anything it will improve Bass and increase detail.
robg1976 said:The Tacima mains block will definitely not affect your amp.
robg1976 said:...if anything it will improve Bass and increase detail.
Feral said:The danger is not that the appliances will have a problem but that the wires inside the wall will heat up.
TrevC said:Feral said:The danger is not that the appliances will have a problem but that the wires inside the wall will heat up.
Feral said:From a fire safety perspective you do need to be carefull on how much load you put through a single outlet. The danger is not that the appliances will have a problem but that the wires inside the wall will heat up.
TrevC said:relocated said:I believe that you can now get wall socket converters that do not require a larger back-box to be cut into the wall. Something like this perhaps
Then you can have a spare socket for your amp, just in case YOU find that the Tacima strangles YOUR amplifier. I remember hifi mags starting the 'strangling' idea long before forums got into the mainstream.
There is no advantage in using that socket for low current items like hifi or TV, and it simply isn't possible for an adequately rated extension to strangle anything. If it did it would have to drop the voltage greatly, and if it did that it would have to dissipate the dropped volts as heat. IOW, it would get very hot indeed.
Going back to the Tacimo, it appears that the positive and the negative comments about performance of connected items balance out approximately to something that makes no difference at all to performance, which is obviously the case if one has a clue.
relocated said:Trev
I have NO interest in the efficacy or otherwise of the converter socket and especially not your opinion of it.
It was suggested to the OP for his possible use if thought useful.
ps. the advantage with the above suggested socket converter is that it provides yet another direct mains outlet should the OP want it. Oh, it's TacimA by the way.
TrevC said:I think you'll find that he wanted ..... the truth from someone who knows
andyjm said:I put TrevC in the former camp.
John Duncan said:Indeed. I can't help but think that this thread has become somewhat...snappish...
TrevC said:There is no advantage in using that socket for low current items like hifi or TV
Feral said:as i said, with a modern consumer unit and fuses this shouldn't be a problem.
steve_1979 said:Feral said:as i said, with a modern consumer unit and fuses this shouldn't be a problem.
Agreed. 🙂
Slightly off topic. When searching for a leasure battery I came across this funny review which made me giggle. The guy only gave it 1 star because it discharged quickly when he used it to boil a kettle. :doh:
Cockroach said:I'm compiling a list and you are both on it.
carter said:if we assume your wiring is all up to spec then you should be ok with regards to using the two ext blocks.
carter said:as far as the Tacima goes,the guy at rotel service centre advised me not to put amps into it and I have tried them with and without and can't notice a real difference in sound but on his advice I've put the amps in a regular ext block(he works on these things every day so I went with his advice)
also I found the Tacima defiantly brings the best out of my tv and video sources so I have everything else in my tacima's
cannibal_ox77 said:One of the reasons I was concerned is there's a double socket on the opposite wall at the other end of the room, and it's fine powering a lamp and baby monitor but when I tried charging my laptop from it a nasty fishy odour came from the socket! That's the only time it happened but I haven't tried it since; the smell was rank and lingered for hours :doh: It was like something was burning and there'was a dead fish in the wall getting cooked! I've told the landlord and he said he's going to get it sorted anyway.
andyjm said:Old electrical fittings were made of phenolformaldehyde resin....