Oh sugar help

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Had the report back from the tv repair guy and to put it blunt the tv is completely f*****, the main mother board has blown along with a second micro processer and not only did we put in the wrong capacitor that was rated to high (25 kv) but the transformer was not correct either and it seems we have cracked the screen at the bottom right corner which I must have done when I pulled the back cover off I do remember it was very tight in that corner but I did not know I had damaged the screen not sure what to do now, the tv is buy as you view and its 1yr old with another 3yrs to go if I tell the company they will bill me for the full amount so am I best to buy a second had one as long as its the same model I will be able to fix the money box to it and carry on as before.
Sorry, tried to reply to this and I got a time-out.

i think you will have to bite the bullet somehow - first thing I'd do is check your rental agreement and see what your responsibility is for replacing the television (which I suspect you will certainly have to do), and take it from there.
Ha ha.....this thread has just cheered me up no end!! Vanman you are either one of the funniest people around or the biggest tool that ever lived!!
[quote user="Jimbo77"]Ha ha.....this thread has just cheered me up no end!! Vanman you are either one of the funniest people around or the biggest tool that ever lived!![/quote]

So you think its funny to laugh at other peoples misfortune, what a nice person you must be
'Misfortune' - mmm thats one way to put it. Reep what you sow is another way to look at your meanderings through the innards of a beautiful Pioneer.

Only hope noone in your family gets a headache otherwise it'll be out with the Bonesaw and off you go again
[quote user="andyb190"] Only hope noone in your family gets a headache otherwise it'll be out with the Bonesaw and off you go again
[/quote] Hahahahahaha................that made me literally laugh out loud!!
I think this topic need to be stickied at the top of the page. Not only for the comedy value, it could prevent any more unnecesary deaths.

EDIT: Is there going to be a service for the tv? it would be nice for the fellow Pioneer owners to pay their last respects.
[quote user="vanman"]
...so am I best to buy a second had one as long as its the same model I will be able to fix the money box to it and carry on as before.

You want to break ANOTHER?
[quote user="vanman"]

Had the report back from the tv repair guy and to put it blunt the tv is completely f*****, the main mother board has blown along with a second micro processer and not only did we put in the wrong capacitor that was rated to high (25 kv) but the transformer was not correct either and it seems we have cracked the screen at the bottom right corner which I must have done when I pulled the back cover off I do remember it was very tight in that corner but I did not know I had damaged the screen not sure what to do now, the tv is buy as you view and its 1yr old with another 3yrs to go if I tell the company they will bill me for the full amount so am I best to buy a second had one as long as its the same model I will be able to fix the money box to it and carry on as before.


Are you related to uncle Albert in Only fools and horses?

"Not only have you managed to sink every battle ship, and aircraft carrier you ever served on , now you have gone and knackered a gravy boat"

Well, you were warned not to muck about with it, and certainly not to start fitting parts from other TV's into it. I suggest you front up and tell the truth to the company. Either way, you are going to have to pay out for a new TV.
[quote user="SpiceWeasel"]

EDIT: Is there going to be a service for the tv? it would be nice for the fellow Pioneer owners to pay their last respects.

Such a beautiful TV cut down in it's prime. May you rest in peace you plasma pleasure powerhouse whose innards were so gruesomely butchered and substituted with donor parts from lesser sets to create some kind of televisual chimaera.
[quote user="Bilbo Boggins"]

Such a beautiful TV cut down in it's prime. May you rest in peace you plasma pleasure powerhouse whose innards were so gruesomely butchered and substituted with donor parts from lesser sets to create some kind of televisual chimaera.


That's easy for you to say...
The replacement tv is here, a pioneer pdp lx5080w got it second hand but its new as it is an open box item cost £2,800 seems to be perfect but I do need to connect the buy as you view money box as the hire company is due on Friday to collect their money, as long as the box is connected on the side I think I will get away with it, I AM NOT GOING TO WIRE THE BOX TO THE TV, just make it look like it is and put money in ready for them to collect so can anyone tell me the best way to fix the money box to the tv please.
Uh-oh - he's going to wreck another one, folks...

Ummm I think they might notice when they come to collect the money. After all, they have been reading this thread...
Now, having come from a modest upbringing where putting 10p in the meter was an actual reality, as opposed to something one saw on 70s sitcoms, and not wishing to be presumptious about anyone's circumstances, I'm curious as to how someone who had an *actual* meter box on the side of their telly has managed to come up with 2,800 quid just like that..........
Far question I had no choice but to get a loan from my mum and brother
It looks like I will have to wire the money box after all, it has a digital display that is powered by the tv, that is something I really did not want to do
OK - now, you should fess up to the tv company, and show them that you've bought a replacement. Get *them* to fix the money box to it, and you're back where you started (admittedly £2.8k down). Trust me, this is the only way forward.
I'm with Capt HobNob on this one - you're only choice now is to confess to the rental company, who may yet insist on getting the one you broke repaired - it is, after all, their property until you've paid for it - at your expense.
Dear Sirs

re: Pioneer lx5080w - Contract Number xxxxxxxxxx

Following a misguided attempt to clean this television supplied by yourselves, I have unfortunately damaged it quite badly. In trying to rectify this situation by replacing what appeared to be the simple matter of a blown capacitor, I have unfortunately made matters worse, and the television is now seemingly beyond repair. For your entertainment, and in the hope that you might show some sympathy with my plight, the whole sorry saga is documented here:


Clearly I accept that this is my responsibility, and I have purchased the same model to replace the one I have damaged. I would be grateful if you could arrange for the payment unit to be attached at your earliest convenience.

Naturally, having replaced the television on a like-for-like basis, I would like to now take ownership of the original unit, in order that I might have it repaired at my own expense, in order to perhaps recover some of the expense which, through my own na‹vety, I have so needlessly incurred.

With kind regards

Yours etc

The reference to the thread here is important - you never know, they might find it so amusing that they give you a telly for nothing. I'm serious.
[quote user="JohnDuncan"]

The reference to the thread here is important - you never know, they might find it so amusing that they give you a telly for nothing. I'm serious.[/quote]

As they used to say in the old movies, "it's a long-shot - but it might just work..."
Nothing ventured.

Alternatively, phone the papers. Or put the telly on eBay - it could become one of those cult items, like the "Vintage and Rare" Wispa Bar.
I'm sure I read somewhere that the pioneer pdp lx5080w gets a massive boost to both the picture and sound quality with the addition of a DIY water cooling kit. just need to get some silicon sealant to stop the water running out of the pesky air vents.


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