Oh sugar help

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He's mad! He's mad. He's madder than Mad Jack McMad, the winner of this year's Mr Madman competition.
[quote user="vanman"]
[quote user="JohnDuncan"]OK - stop, please. You are going to die. This is not a sticky CD drawer mechanism we're talking about here, this is a high voltage television filled with poisonous gas, and you're wondering where the red wire goes. Get a TV repair man in, please![/quote]

Both tv's will be unpluged while we work on them


OK I've been lurking on this thread and come to the conclusion that you are pulling our collective leg! Replace the power supply? LOL!
[quote user="Bilbo Boggins"]
This thread certainly has comedy value - I'll be watching closely to see what blows up next and what it gets replaced with.

If any of those capacitor type thingies blow again I would just replace them by soldering in an AA battery and stick it down with a bit of gaffer tape if it looks loose.[/quote]

I'm sure that coroner will have something to say about your advice 🙂
[quote user="daveh"]
He's mad! He's mad. He's madder than Mad Jack McMad, the winner of this year's Mr Madman competition.
And I believe he beat Lunatic Larry Loony-Bin...
[quote user="vanman"]

Some off you will know I took the back off my Pioneer plasma to give it a clean inside and something went bang, it was a thing that stores power which I got replaced with the help from a mate who has a soldering gun well the tv worked fine for 2hrs then the picture went blank with a bright white line in the centre and there was a smell of burning now nothing works I have replaced the fuse with a higher rated one but still nothing what do you think I need to replace? I know nothing about tv's so please explain what the part looks like and what it does


This is a wind up , right?

I am sorry I can't take you seriously anymore. You have been well advised to stop messing about with highly dangerous equipment, which you inform us you haven't a clue how it works. Yet, you keep claiming you are adding more and more wrong parts from other sets.

Sorry but you either a wind up or very, very stupid.
Reminds me of the time I tried to hardwire our pet cat Tiddles to my BigTrack to see if I could program her to go forward '9' turn right and scratch my brother.
"there was a very bright flash with a bang "

Did you check the TV screen to see if it had taken your picture? Might be a way of the manufacturer proving that you took the back off!

Reminds me of that song "Flash bang, what a picture, what a picture, what a photograph"

Altogether now...............
This just has to be a wind up,I cannot believe anyone would be so stupid to mess inside these TVs like this.
To those off you who think this is a wind up and think I am stupid thanks for your support, not all of us have the money to take things to be repaired or even have house insurance to make a false claim great adivce NOT!

And let me point out that it was on here that I was told to take the back off and give it a clean I read that on the hifi pages about amps, take the lid off and give them a clean with a can of air so whats the difference with that and a tv NONE so stop having a go at me for doing something that you lot told other people to do on the chat pages
OK, point taken, though I wouldn't have recommended doing it with a plasma. My advice still stands though that, now something has gone badly wrong, you need to get a qualified repair guy in, to protect your substantial investment, and not make things worse, as you will surely do without the exact spec'd transformers or capacitors which have blown.
You can sometimes free up a seized tap by heating it with a blowlamp or whacking it with a rubber mallet, but that doesn't mean the same fix would work for a TV.

I think the difference is between the use of the word 'amplifier' and the use of the word 'TV'...
I think you are proving it's a false economy trying to fix it yourself - Pioneer Plasma's aren't cheap so the cost of getting a proper repair done will be significantly less than a replacement.
As an ex TV engineer (Rediffusion days) I can't believe I'm reading this.
No way should any unqualified person dare to attempt anything like this. There are very high voltages in a TV receiver.

As regards to removing covers on HiFi equipment, if you are very careful, you can remove the lid of an amp that has been disconnected from the mains for at least a couple of days and clean the dust out with an air can, (without touching anything) but no way, under any circumstances would I recommend anyone try removing the back cover of a TV of any ilk, LCD, Plasma or CRT and try cleaning it out, let alone trying repairs with incorrect components.

As everyone on here has told you, what you are doing here is total madness, Stop it Now, you are in serious danger of electrocution, and/or fire.
OK believe it or not we have the tv working perfect picture and sound the only problem now is a loud high pitched hum that seems to be comming from the back of the tv (not through the sound) any idea's, if I can stop that then its completely fixed.
I think you can take it that everyone in the forums is against what you are doing on the grounds of you endangering your life. If you want to carry on, it's your life / house / possessions that might be burnt to a crisp. On this basis, I wouldn't give you any advice I'm afraid.
Yes I understand that but I have got this far and it is nearly fixed just need to stop this loud humming and I have notticed a crackle sound like when you pop bubble wrap but the tv has been on now for 1hr and still working.
[quote user="vanman"]just need to stop this loud humming and I have noticed a crackle sound like
when you pop bubble wrap[/quote]

Ah, you should've said. I think a better mains lead might be the answer.
[quote user="JohnDuncan"]Ah, you should've said. I think a better mains lead might be the answer.[/quote]

Sorry, couldn't resist. This is clearly a wind up now, shirley?
[quote user="JohnDuncan"]

Ah, you should've said. I think a better mains lead might be the answer.[/quote]

I think no mains lead would be the best solution right now
Well thats that the tv has died, something at the back went with a very very loud bang and its completely dead, no I won't be fixing it again looks like either a service centre or its scrap but please people this was not a wind up and I really don't think you should tell people to take things apart to clean them, before I did this the tv was perfect and only 1yr old anyway I will let you know if its repaired or I need a new one
Just a thought could I sue the person who started the thread about taking things apart to clean them ?
I think the lesson to be learnt is, if someone says take the back of an amplifier to do something, don't assume that advice translates to any other electronic device in the world.
[quote user="vanman"]

To those off you who think this is a wind up and think I am stupid thanks for your support, not all of us have the money to take things to be repaired or even have house insurance to make a false claim great adivce NOT!

And let me point out that it was on here that I was told to take the back off and give it a clean I read that on the hifi pages about amps, take the lid off and give them a clean with a can of air so whats the difference with that and a tv NONE so stop having a go at me for doing something that you lot told other people to do on the chat pages


So, you have taken a 1 year old Pioneer Plasma that was working fine, and blown it up because you thought It needed a clean. And then try to claim that you have no money to fix it.

If you are so poor, how come you bought the most expensive brand out there? And if you are so poor why not treat you Equipment with more respect. And then you try to blame people on here for poor advice. Sorry, but I stick to my opinion, this is either a wind up, or you are an idiot.

My bet is that this is wind up.


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