nvahifi said:nvahi-fi is Richard Dunn
Vector is Marco Pieracinni owner of Art of Sound forum
Darius is LPV the opening poster
NVA Hifi is Richard Dunn: Owner of Hifi Subjectivist forum as well as NVA
Vector is not Marco Pieraccini but Richard is so obsessed with him, he sees him everywhere and even wakes up thinking about him.
Darius is a guy who joined Hifi Subjectivist forum and was offered the chance to audition some NVA gear. After having to return faulty kit twice, he didn't like it when he heard it and wrote a negative review. He was then attacked on the forum and wrote a similar review here. The owner and a number of members decided to come here and attack him. They also hilariously are trying to offer a loan scheme here whilst still attacking and pursuing the person who wrote a bad review and in full knowledge that they are breaching house rule 12 and perhaps also 11.