saw5suffer:All the action is in Japan and Korea..Infact What Hi fi should locate there to be closer to the heart of the industry.
Quite why I am dignifying this with a reply, I'm not sure, but pray tell me, saw5suffer/flatscreen, the young person who can remember Alvin's reviews of 30 years ago, when were you last in Japan or Korea talking to the people who actually make, design and market these products?
saw5suffer:Its a case of making up ones mind from what
one has seen, and no one have seen everything to do with anything
linked to TVs and Hi Fis.I was last in Korea at the end of last year, spending a week with LG's TV engineers and another week with Samsung's; and I was in Japan three weeks ago speaking to people from Panasonic, Sharp, Sony, Hitachi, Toshiba and more. And you were...?
It's called gathering enough information to give an informed opinion, based on experience of the industry, the ability to ask the right questions, and the competence to report on, and interpret, the information imparted, seeing through what those giving the opinion want you to write.
It's called journalism. It's what I do, and have been doing for almost as long as you can remember Alvin Gold's reviews when you are a young person spending most of your time playing video games when you probably should be studying for your degree, as you explained to us the other day.
saw5suffer:I read Car magazines alot and with that scene there are What Car,
EVO,Auto Car,Auto Express etc. They don't all review the same way but
diversity of opinion is assured which is is lacking in the Hi Fi and
video industry as the magazines are consolidate and competition is
sniffed out.Sure they are all Haymarket publications, but there needs
to be more variety like national dailies
Neither all the car magazines you mention nor all the hi-fi magazines are published by Haymarket. But hey, never let the facts get in the way of ill-informed opinion, huh?
saw5suffer:In the X
factor, how often do the judges diagree with the audience? Many times
as the 'twins Act' has split opinions.
Which has what to do with the price of fish?
saw5suffer:We all take from others who wants headlines to be
made. There are and I am not saying it is here, 'chequebook
journalism'. and incentivised headline making linking to advertising
revenues and all.
Before you start bringing up insinuations of 'chequebook journalism', at least do me the courtesy of going away and finding out what the term actually means, as it has no relevance to the points you are trying to make, or at least the points I think you are fumbling to make.
saw5suffer:we need to see a few more monthly glossy on Hi Fi and videos
to get more of a neutral opinion just like the News.
So go start one. Good luck. I promise I'll buy a copy.