plenty of useful advice here, and I'm with the others - get your source sorted for now and worry about speakers later, since yours ain't too shabby.
Ok, about streaming - for now, most users and manufacturers recommend staying away from Wi-Fi if you can and use an Ethernet connection instead (which means wired). So if you could run a wire from a router to your auditioning place, it would be awesome - if not, there could be several ways of going around it, one that pops into my head right now is having a wireless router AND the NAS in the listening place, keep the NAS wired to THAT router and only use the router for ripping your CDs and updating the NAS firmware and stuff like that. Then theres these things you'll need:
RIPPING SOLLUTION: you will need a way to rip your CDs to the NAS, be it a laptop with a CD drive or whatever PC/Mac sollution, OR a dedicated ripper (which sometimes functions as a NAS and even Ripper+NAS+Streamer as well, like the ones here: http://www.vortexbox.co.uk/)
NAS: there's plenty out there, some (including me) use Synology.
STREAMER: this can either be a dedicated streamer, which usually has a DAC in it - like the Pioneer N50,
Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6 v2, Naim ND5XS etc OR a
PC/Laptop (which would require a separate DAC). Wired connection is recommended between your NAS, Router and Streamer.
IMPORTANT: if you use the Apple ecosystem, make sure the streamer of your choice supports Apple Lossless format (ALAC) - for instance, I think the Pioneer has this problem. From this perspective, using a laptop as a streamer is more versatile, since you can just use whatever software plays all files (WAV, ALAC, FLAC, AIFF, MP3, etc), and also youtube stuff and whatever you can think of, including pandora, spotify etc (some streamers also offer these services, but not all), and this software usually comes with a smartphone app for remote control purposes.
DAC: although most streamers already have DACs in them, some would benefit from an upgraded one IF they have a digital out (like the Pioneer does and would). Also, if you go for the laptop route, a DAC is mandatory. For your setup I wouldn't go any lower then the
Micromega Mydac, other great options being the
Arcam iRdac,
Naim Dac V1 or
Chord Hugo.
IMPORTANT: Some people are running a DAC STRAIGHT out Synology NAS, since the Synologys (and most NAS manufacturers) have their own streaming software - for Audio, Video and internet radio. Not all dacs are compatible, but the mainstream ones usually are. So if you don't need a laptop for, say, ripping purposes, you could just skip it and plug a DAC straight into the NAS. It's less elegant, but gets the job done.
Basically, your new setup should look like this:
NAS --> Router --> Streamer (--> DAC) --> Amp --> etc., and use a pc/laptop to rip CD's or download HD (and nonHD)-tracks onto the NAS.
Or, if you use Vortexbox kind of stuff, i think you can eliminate NAS and Router and Streamer out of the equation and go
Vortexbox (or other,
not familiar with these, just what I read over the internets)
--> DAC --> Amp --> etc. But with this I don't know about Pandora, Spotify, youtube, downloads and other stuff - might not be possible. I would go for the first setup, since i like the versatility a laptop brings.
So. I know it's a lot to take in, and a good dealer should help clear things out in a face to face conversation. Don't get disheartened, in reality it's simpler then it seems. Also, any other forum member please feel free to chime in and correct any wrong stuff I might've said, since my knowledge is far from complete, so mistakes might've been made.
Try to audition the stuff before deciding btw
Hope this helped.