New cart or new stage

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Mark Rose-Smith said:
Hay Al.what about a Tom Evans micro groove x. I've saw one for £500 on a dealers site and know you're a fan.

Brilliant bit of kit, as is everything Tom Evans.

If it's with Emporium hifi though it overpriced as is most things there. Usually cheaper on eBay.

Note, that is if second-hand otherwise £529 new.
Mark Rose-Smith said:
It's from audio affair at dead on £500

A fine company. I take it that it is new then. Will have a quick look.

If you can afford it you will not be disappointed I feel, it's certainly one up on the Trichord and many others at double the money. It is, as with all of Tom's stuff significantly upgradeable if you wish at a later date so will keep quite nicely in your system for a lifetime.

P.S., just don't look at the Mastergroove..... you'll see why 🙂
OK that's it ordered.the microgroove x,that is.the master groove is well out of my league at 10k..I reckon I'll have to get in touch with the guy's at audio affair as I think they have to set it for mm or mc,although I believe I can fine tune the x models cart loading.they do mention on the site that the psu is upgradeable to microgroove plus,but can't find any info on the site or anywhere else for that matter . it's funny how you mention that the microgroove is slightly superior (or different) to the dino... Didn't both Graham Fowler(trichord) and Tom Evans both work with Michell the purveyors of fine turntables. Lol.
Mark Rose-Smith said:
OK that's it ordered.the microgroove x,that is.the master groove is well out of my league at 10k..I reckon I'll have to get in touch with the guy's at audio affair as I think they have to set it for mm or mc,although I believe I can fine tune the x models cart loading.they do mention on the site that the psu is upgradeable to microgroove plus,but can't find any info on the site or anywhere else for that matter.

Good move that man. There are dip-switches on the back to ensure any cartridge can be used so it's upgradeable in that sense. The other upgrades mean it would have to be returned to Tom Evans here in sunny Wales.
Mark Rose-Smith said:
So it doesn't have to be set for mm/mc by the dealer, like the basic microgroove?

No. It has dip switches so can cater for just about all cartridges.


The dealer can preset it for you if you let them know your cartridge.
Hay affair called me today and said they didn't have the microgroove in stock and that tom evans were closed until January.they did say te would have to set the cart loading up . Anyway they had a trichord dino mk3 there,so I asked them if they'd just send that instead and they agreed.comminh next week,Thursday I think . can't wait.hope this brings it up a level or two.
Mark Rose-Smith said:
Hay affair called me today and said they didn't have the microgroove in stock and that tom evans were closed until January.they did say te would have to set the cart loading up . Anyway they had a trichord dino mk3 there,so I asked them if they'd just send that instead and they agreed.comminh next week,Thursday I think . can't wait.hope this brings it up a level or two.

Lying b'stards. The Microgroove X does not have to be set up. Also if they don't stock why advertise it?

Hope you are happy with Dino.

Merry Xmas n
Yeah I know.the Web site said in stock in the box.Led to believe that the item is in their stock room,but not . I'm kind of wondering if the dip switches are for fine tuning the cart of whichever(mc or mm) the unit is set for by the upgrade I'll try one of his stages,the groove maybe.

Oh and merry Christmas!
Mark Rose-Smith said:
Yeah I know.the Web site said in stock in the box.Led to believe that the item is in their stock room,but not . I'm kind of wondering if the dip switches are for fine tuning the cart of whichever(mc or mm) the unit is set for by the upgrade I'll try one of his stages,the groove maybe.

Oh and merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to you too.

The Groove is more cartridge specific and is factory set.

I have the Groove 20th Anniversary edition which will be upgraded soon.
That's a nice looking stage.It's a bit further than I think I would go with one,getting into silly money after fact the groove 20th anniversary is kinda silly money in the hifi world I'm in lol..the rest of the system would have to be very very good to do it justice I believe.I can't say I'm familiar with your gear Al...but it must sound pretty good.
Oh well,my wee project phono box se more than holds it's own against my new trichord dino mk3 in the mm cartridge steaks . it's such a close call I had to get the grado's on,Although the dino has only around 6hrs on it,but well warmed up from Thursday and the project was tested from cold.But I guess it's mc where you have to expect the superiority of the dino to come to the fore.
Mark Rose-Smith said:
That's a nice looking stage.It's a bit further than I think I would go with one,getting into silly money after fact the groove 20th anniversary is kinda silly money in the hifi world I'm in lol..the rest of the system would have to be very very good to do it justice I believe.I can't say I'm familiar with your gear Al...but it must sound pretty good.

Thanks, it does. Bear in mind it was bought direct from the man that designed it thus cutting out the middleman, that's the benefit of living a short distance from where they are made. 🙂

There are reviews on the internet if you are interested, it's pretty hard to describe what it sounds like, in fact with a phono preamp, it's pretty much about what it doesn't sound like if you understand.
Mark Rose-Smith said:
Yep the dl 103r is on the list along with ortofon quintet blue (cadenza would be nice),sumiko bluepoint evo111 and if I win the lottery something from the benz factory .lol.they can get into silly money.

Personally if you are looking at shortlisting the 103R then I would forget the Sumiko.

Have not yet heard any of the Quintet range but they appear to be getting good reviews.


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