NAS Server


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Aug 10, 2019
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Hi one and all,
Anyone had any experiences of setting up a NAS server and Streaming (Wifi and wired) across to another room. I'm thinking of putting all my blu ray and DVD films onto a 4TB Synology DS211j and using the PS3 to stream across movies. Will I get HD audio to the amp (denon 1911) and an undiluted picture in terms of 1080p quality. Positive and negative outcomes most welcome - Looking at the whole debate. Not really interested in streaming music across AV wise (though may look at a Cyrus/Olive solution in the future).


Hmmm....Just doing a bit of research and it appears the Denon 1911 is not 'network ready' which is not terrible news at the moment cause I've decided to wait till the Autumn to see if Denon bring out a new range of amps. I know the new 609 has the feature but not keen on the Onkyo sound when compared to the denon.


Yes I realise this but would be a good way of bypassing the PS3 for the future - I guess judging by the few replies to this post and someone else discussing NAS that very few people have got this set-up in the home. I think in 5 years time it'll be pretty common place though - they need to make it easier to rip blu ray and DVD to hard disk.


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Jan 13, 2009
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Ripping DVDs and Blurays is easy the caveat is having the correct tools. I've been using AnyDVDHD for a number of years now and it really couldn't be simpler. My complete setup is based on all media (music, DVDs, Blurays) being present on a couple of NAS boxes I have. These are then made available around the house to various other devices (mainly PCs for films, Sonos for music). The main difficulties were making sure that the PCs were fully capable of playing back blurays with lossless audio. These days that's relatively simple, 3 years ago when I first started this was difficult.