tyranniux42 also is looking for a new set of speakers for his Nait XS.
Yup, I'm the impatient type. Circumstances haven't helped. I admit, I went in thinking I'll be spending around $1500, and be done with this project in a week/couple of days. Been more than 2 months now and am down $6000.
First stab at a system: I went out and bought the Arcam rDac -> Nad 326Bee -> Monitor Audio Rx6. After auditioning it. Problem is, home is a totally different acoustical environment than at the dealer.
I actually spent a whole month trying to like the system. Fiddled around with positioning, moved speakers and furniture around even went out and bought new rugs and curtains. (It all helped).Also, got the NaitXS and the Arcam A28 for home auditioning. I guess my acousitcal environment was just not conducive to the MA rx6s. (If you remember, i was trying to do my best to not have to return the MA rx6s). The system was awesome for some music, but not conducive to listening to it over extended periods of time. it's almost like I gave a sigh of relief when the music ended. My $60 logitech speakers connected directly to IPOD were better in that respect.
In any case, I decided it best to return the whole lot since I like what I heard at the Naim dealer, the great reviews on the Rega DAC etc.
So now, I've got the Rega DAC, the RS5s and the Nait XS at home. If I was able to just pay for the Nait XS, I would have been done with it. Sure, not entirely happy, but would have lived with it and maybe swapped out the speakers down the road to something mellower. (or maybe not. I don't know).
As it stands, NaitXS still backordered, giving me a little time to look around for more options, and my Naim dealer (Awesome guys) is fine with it.
Anyway, are you suggesting that the transport (squeezebox) is causing the combination to be too much in your face? Because I do like it otherwise.
Following the synergy threads and other opinions on the rega stuff leads me to believe that since I've already got a 2/3rds Rega system, I might as well go all Rega. I did demo the Cursa/Maia combo yesterday, and enjoyed it at the dealers.
If I have time, I'll bring it in and swap it out for the NaitXS for a few weeks (while my NaitXS is still coming). My hope is that I'll like the Cursa/Maia more at home too. What stood out was that it was brighter and sharper at the top end (Miles Davis/Flamenco Sketches) but at the same time, sounded a little less forward.