Nait XS vs. Cursa/Maia combo


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I'm finding the NaitXS a little too forward for my tastes, specially with the Rega Dac + Rega RS5s.

Auditioned the Cursa/Maia with the dac & speakers and sounds better. Time for a home demo now.

Alternatively, I stick with the Dac & Nait XS and switch speakers down the road.
i would call it a bit of a sideways move but if your happy with the new sound then i guess thats all that matters
Funny, another forum member M@ver1ck, seems to have exactly the same setup and problems.
The rega setup will certainly be a bit more relaxed sounding, although I would point out that all Naim and Rega gear sound more mature if you leave them powered up at all times. Plus cables make a big difference with Naim, avoid any bright cables (Atlas, QED etc) and the speaker runs should be a minimum of 4m per channel (run shorter than that and it will sound brighter).

The RS5s are midband forward to a degree, but the top end is sweet. Maybe try some Spendor A5s as a comparison.

I'd politely point out that a Squeezebox isn't proper hifi either and will limit what the rest of the system can achieve.

Funny, another forum member M@ver1ck, seems to have exactly the same setup and problems.

Bizzare isnt it.

I am not sure how long MoData has been with this hifi but each week seems to want a different opinion on amp / speaker / source problems. MoData, perhaps you just need to slow down enjoy whatever you have and seriously you need to audition. If you dont like the XS sound why did you order one (which is still on backorder?), the DAC will take time to break in and your speakers are new. Did you not do any auditioning before spending such vast quantities of money? If you did not demo then I hope you have learnt your lesson.

It is very difficult for any forum members to actively help you when it is quite apparent that you do not know what you like or indeed seem to be buying / changing your complete system constantly.

It could be things like speaker cables, the source (which is my bet), a squeezebox if I remember rightly. It could be your room in which case speaker positioning would be the key. Try toeing in the speakers slightly and having the side ports on the speakers facing inwards.

Like has been said to you on the Naim forum (Mangomonkey) if you really prefer the sound of the rega Gear, get that. But you really need to stop changing componants constantly and perhaps just listen and enjoy.
It might also be very helpful if you could provide a photograph of the kit / listening area. Many factors can affect the sound. Also you dont mention what Interconnects etc you are using.
tyranniux42 also is looking for a new set of speakers for his Nait XS.

Yup, I'm the impatient type. Circumstances haven't helped. I admit, I went in thinking I'll be spending around $1500, and be done with this project in a week/couple of days. Been more than 2 months now and am down $6000.

First stab at a system: I went out and bought the Arcam rDac -> Nad 326Bee -> Monitor Audio Rx6. After auditioning it. Problem is, home is a totally different acoustical environment than at the dealer.

I actually spent a whole month trying to like the system. Fiddled around with positioning, moved speakers and furniture around even went out and bought new rugs and curtains. (It all helped).Also, got the NaitXS and the Arcam A28 for home auditioning. I guess my acousitcal environment was just not conducive to the MA rx6s. (If you remember, i was trying to do my best to not have to return the MA rx6s). The system was awesome for some music, but not conducive to listening to it over extended periods of time. it's almost like I gave a sigh of relief when the music ended. My $60 logitech speakers connected directly to IPOD were better in that respect.

In any case, I decided it best to return the whole lot since I like what I heard at the Naim dealer, the great reviews on the Rega DAC etc.

So now, I've got the Rega DAC, the RS5s and the Nait XS at home. If I was able to just pay for the Nait XS, I would have been done with it. Sure, not entirely happy, but would have lived with it and maybe swapped out the speakers down the road to something mellower. (or maybe not. I don't know).

As it stands, NaitXS still backordered, giving me a little time to look around for more options, and my Naim dealer (Awesome guys) is fine with it.

Anyway, are you suggesting that the transport (squeezebox) is causing the combination to be too much in your face? Because I do like it otherwise.

Following the synergy threads and other opinions on the rega stuff leads me to believe that since I've already got a 2/3rds Rega system, I might as well go all Rega. I did demo the Cursa/Maia combo yesterday, and enjoyed it at the dealers.

If I have time, I'll bring it in and swap it out for the NaitXS for a few weeks (while my NaitXS is still coming). My hope is that I'll like the Cursa/Maia more at home too. What stood out was that it was brighter and sharper at the top end (Miles Davis/Flamenco Sketches) but at the same time, sounded a little less forward.
How are you connecting the squeezebox to the DAc?

What speaker cable are you using. For an XS you should be using 3.5m of NAC A5 either side.

Is the XS plugged directly into a wall socket?

I would be wary about changing your amp at the moment as both the speakers and DAC need run in time.

Rega and Naiim is a great mix, very organic, never heard it being described as "in your face" which is why I am thinking something else is to blame here.

What cable are you running between DAC and XS? is it a phono to DIN? that also affects the sound.

I dont think there is anything wrong particularly with the setup,, could probably do with a better source down the lines but things do need to settle. Albeit if you hate the sound it wont settle that much. Whichis why I am interested with the cabling etc etc.

Any chance of a photo of the listening room?
just seen you have updated your signature with all connections.

How is it all wired up electrically speaking?

Really does sound like either the room or source is to blame. What type of files are you using on the Squeezebox?
Plugged into a $350 NANA. It's one of those star grounded NAIM vodoo power strips that don't do anything (no filtering, no surge suppression: wonder why something costs so much if it's not doing anything at all).

Music is FLAC encoded.

I'm pretty sure it's the room to 'blame'. That's the one thing I can't change though, hence trying to find a system that will work in this room.
Plugged into a $350 NANA. It's one of those star grounded NAIM vodoo power strips that don't do anything (no filtering, no surge suppression: wonder why something costs so much if it's not doing anything at all).

Music is FLAC encoded.

I'm pretty sure it's the room to 'blame'. That's the one thing I can't change though, hence trying to find a system that will work in this room.
Except the NANA isn't made by NAIM.
MoData:It's 'NAIM recommended' in the US.Which is a long way from the "Naim voodoo power strip" you originally called it.

If you search the Naim website, you won't find a reference to it, so whoever the recommendation is coming from, its not Naim. Perhaps their US dealer network?
I see your point. I meant it's supposed to support the NAIM star grounding concept. The wierd thing is, I can swear it sounds better plugged into that strip even though I just have one naim component. really.

Maybe I should just live with it for a few months and wait it out. If I sit down and listen to it, it really sounds very good.
Naim star grounding? I think you'll find that comes from enthusiasts on the Naim forum, and it's a controversial concept to say the least.

I may be wrong, but I think Naim the company steers clear of such ideas.
Naim star grounding? I think you'll find that comes from enthusiasts on the Naim forum, and it's a controversial concept to say the least.

Controversial, in what respect?

I may be wrong, but I think Naim the company steers clear of such ideas.

Why do you think this?
MoData, try swapping the speakers so that the side ports face away (or together), from what they are now.
Naim star grounding? I think you'll find that comes from enthusiasts on the Naim forum, and it's a controversial concept to say the least.

I may be wrong, but I think Naim the company steers clear of such ideas.

Its actually the principle that they design their components around. Not controversial, why do you say that?
True Blue:Grottyash:
Naim star grounding? I think you'll find that comes from enthusiasts on the Naim forum, and it's a controversial concept to say the least.

I may be wrong, but I think Naim the company steers clear of such ideas.

Its actually the principle that they design their components around. Not controversial, why do you say that?

Star grounding refers to star earthing?

Aah! You mean through their din plugs to CD, got you. I was thinking of something rather different. Yes, indeed, though I see they've moved to RCAs in many circumstances now.
Speakers swapped to fire inwards. What can I say, I love both sounds (speakers firing outwards and inwards), depending on what else is going on and the kind of Music.

I think I'm going to ask the dealer to sell me his XS (demo unit). He told me he'll give me full trade credit for upto 3 months. I'll bring in the rega curza/maia for a home demo in a month or two.
MoData:tyranniux42 also is looking for a new set of speakers for his Nait XS.

Not that I am bothered or anything but what does the fact that I am looking at new speakers have to do with anything ?

kind regards
tyranniux42:MoData:tyranniux42 also is looking for a new set of speakers for his Nait XS.

Not that I am bothered or anything but what does the fact that I am looking at new speakers have to do with anything ?

kind regards

M@ver1ck is also trying to figure out what speakers to get for a NaitXS. He/She's got a Rega DAC like me.
MoData:tyranniux42:MoData:tyranniux42 also is looking for a new set of speakers for his Nait XS.

Not that I am bothered or anything but what does the fact that I am looking at new speakers have to do with anything ?

kind regards

M@ver1ck is also trying to figure out what speakers to get for a NaitXS. He/She's got a Rega DAC like me.

That hasn't really answered my initial question, rather created another, albeit similar one...
MangoMonkey:start at the top of the thread....

Are you and MoData the same person. I see a chappy on the Naim forum with EXACTLY the same kit as you with ECXACTLY the same problem with the user ID Mangomonkey - he is 95% happy with his sytem though so would not imagine it would require anything in the scale of hardware changes.


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