You certainly have interesting, if unfathomable logic
Why not use the DAC for both streaming and CD purposes? I feel sure one of your personae asked this before. You can use a BD player or, if you believe transports make a difference, a cheap CD player and connect it to the DAC.
The money you save could then be put towards better speakers at some point in the future.
Ah, let me explain. What's the one thing that naim does best? Timing, Prat. You take that away, and there's not much left. Clarity and definition, sure. Soundstage? Not really.
All the auditioning I did made one thing extremely evident to me. The best Prat, and hence, emotional response, was clearly achieved using the Naim source (whether just the cd player, or the cd player with the naim dac) in conjunction with the naitxs. So, If I'm going the Naim route in terms of amp, it makes sense going in all the way, and getting a naim source too.
Having said that, that's another $3500, so I'll have to save up, and more importantly actually justify he expense by actually using my system enough. The next year or so will decide if I actually get to listen to my system enough to justify the additional expense.
In the meantime, the Rega Dac will have to do. It's an awesome dac, but the timing wasn't quite there when compared to the Naim CD player/Dac.
At that point, I'll probably use the rega dac with the new rega amp that rega has in the pipeline for release next year, probably along with the rs1s for a secondary system..... Let's see...
In case you're wondering what tests I did:
(In all cases, the transport was a Naim CD player (the xs one), and the speakers were the rega rs5.
Naim Dac -> Nait XS
Rega Dac -> Nait XS
Rega Dac -> Rega Elicit
Rega Dac -> Rega Cursa/Maia
Naim CD player -> Nait XS.
It was a very subtle thing though. The Rega Dac is extremely good.
One thing I might try is try out the various rega dac filters. Maybe that'll change things just enough.
Makes a little more sense now?