NAD CD Question


Mar 27, 2021

I wonder if anyone can help...

I've an old C521BEE which was struggling to read CDs and skipping, from time to time. I replaced the laser etc mechanism (KSS213CCM) and it seems to read and play fine, now.

But there's a minor irritation. Most of the time, after powering on, it won't read a disc, first time. Spins but fails to read (doesn't display "no disc"). This can be resolved by simply opening and closing the tray. It reads any subsequent discs loaded. Just seems to be a "when first powered on" thing.

Any ideas? Have I done something daft in installing the mechanism?

Thanks in advance.
And yet I absolutely loathed the earlier C521i. Possibly one of the worst things I ever bought.
I, however, bought my friend's work. No NADs…

Coincidentally, a fun reminisce from Kessler:
"Consistently and repeatedly, the SE versions of Marantz CD players have bettered their bog-standard progenitors with superior dynamic capability, better retrieval of detail and greater coherence. For a fee typically 30 percent dearer, Marantz provides a higher level of performance for those who could justify it. Can’t hear the difference? Then don’t buy an SE. Can’t afford an SE? Then buy the standard model, because it’s still pretty damned good.

Only this time it’s not quite so clear. For one thing, the price difference between the Signature and the SE is £150, or nearly double the difference between the stock ’63 and the SE. And the £80 it costs to go from stock ’63 to ’63SE yields more than the £150 which takes you from SE to Signature. And unless you consider yourself to be somewhat golden-eared, you’ll probably go for the savings.

Even so, anyone who hear the differences between an ‘SE and a Signature needs a course in Remedial Hearing. The gains may be subtle, but they’re not what you could deride as ‘barely audible’. If you can’t hear them, fine – you’ve saved £150 which you should spend on having your ears syringed by a professional. The differences, while not exactly night and day, will be apparent even through the kind of systems you’d expect to host a £500-or-less CD player. Or, to put it another way, you don’t have to arrange for an audition via Krell amps and WATT/Puppies.

It’s all a matter of presentation."


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