landzw said:
Well i've been toying around with aac 320kps and lossless music . When i had my IE7 headphones ( which broke ) i could notice a big difference between the two formats , now i have Beyerdynamics DTX 7iE i struggle to notice the difference .
I think its all about pairing all of what you have
I agree with you thare landzw.
With my Yamaha receiver and Q Acoustics speakers I can never tell the difference between 320kbps and lossless files.
With my Sony A-series Walkman and some very high quality Westone UM3x earphones I could just about tell the difference with 3 out of the 20 tracks I tested.
With professional audio active studio monitors the difference was more noticeable and I could definitly hear it was there but it was still only a very small difference. Even with equipment of this quality I often couldn't tell the difference because the quality of the original recording seems to have much bigger effect on the sound quality rather than whether or not it's been ripped to 320kbps MP3 or lossless.