Monitor Audio RS8???


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Aug 10, 2019
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Ive been offered a set of Montior Audio RS8's for £450 second hand and
im considering them as a replacement to my Kef Concerto 1s i looked in
my what hi fi mag saw they were given 4 stars how would they compare to
my kefs and whats the general opinion on these? i was considering
buying these and building an av set up around them using these as the fronts and the rest of the RS6av set up would this work? Thanks


Depending on age / condition that sounds like a great deal considering their current price of around £850.ÿThe RS8's would provide a significant upgrade over the Concerto 1's.


They are fine apart from a couple of small scuffs. How about in comparison to the rs6s? Would they work well in that set up? Thanks


Are you planning to use RS6's for the rear channels? Are you planning to keep the Denon receiver? It comes down to you with the cosmetics, I don't mind a few scuffs if it means saving £400. The RS8's would work well with either RS6's or RS1's as rears, but the RS1's would be perfectly adequate for your system. If you are planning to upgrade the Denon and have a large room, I would consider the RS6's as rears. Saying that your Denon won't be making the most of the RS8's, so I would suggest upgrade the receiver if you want this kind of speaker anyway.


I was just thinking of the RS6AV set up with the RS8s as a replacement to the RS6s? Probably changing to one of the Onkyos probably the 875 as ive had that recommended to me more than then 905! I dont mind the marks on the side anyways so not the most noticeable really.


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Sep 6, 2007
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flairdj:Ive been offered a set of Montior Audio RS8's for £450 second hand and
im considering them as a replacement to my Kef Concerto 1s i looked in
my what hi fi mag saw they were given 4 stars how would they compare to
my kefs and whats the general opinion on these? i was considering
buying these and building an av set up around them using these as the fronts and the rest of the RS6av set up would this work? Thanks

If they are the colour that you want, bite his hand off! My point is, it's a great price but if they are too much of a compromise (they are complete mismatch with the rest of your room), you will soon wish you hadn't. I've not listened to the RS8 but I love my 6s and they should be better.


I have the RS8's along with the rest of the RS6 AV package, driven by the Onkyo 875 in a 5 x 4 mtr room. Am really pleased with the whole system and got a great deal (March) paying £2200 including air locked cables and installation off Wilkinsons Hi Fi.
I have recently upgraded with Clarity Caps in the speaker crossovers that has given much improved depth and detail to the music.

I doubt you will be disappointed if you go with this system.


Well all my speakers are currently in a black finish which dont really go with anything and if anything i think look a little cheap the rs8's are in cherry which i thought looked so much better so i might have to make a purchase!


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