Monitor Audio R90 HD10: front / rear speaker positions


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Aug 10, 2019
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I've eventually bitten the bullet (after a year of planning - and convincing the better half!!!) and ordered the following from Sevenoaks Sound & Vision in Brighton:
Panasonic TX-P46GT30B plasma tv
Onkyo TX-NR609 AVR
Monitor Audio R90 HD10 speaker package
I am awaiting delivery of approximately 1 week, and I am looking for advice on speaker positions so that I can order the right length of cable (QED Silver Anniversary). Main two sitting positions are directly in front of tv at 3.1m distance.
Because of a 'hole-in-the-wall' fire, I have two options:
1. Place the centre speaker above the tv and the front satellites either side of the tv, so resulting in front speakers sitting approximately 1.2m apart.
2. Place the centre speaker above the tv and the front satellites 2.7m apart and 1.5m high (angled slightly downwards).
I am favouring option 2, as I am guessing I would get a better separation and sound effect from the fronts?
If I go for option 2, I am planning to position the rears 0.7m behind the seating position at the same height as the fronts (approx 0.5m above ear height), but with greater separation at 3.7m apart (due to a window).
The rears sound about right to me, but unsure of the front speaker positions (Option 1 or 2 above), so looking for advice once again from this excellent forum.
I'd like to take this chance to thank many forum members for answering many of my questions over the last year, which has made my choices so much easier when I eventually came to demo the options.


It's really dependant on personal preference, for me it would be option 2 as I like a wide front sound stage, my KEFS are just under 3m (L&R) apart. As for rear surrounds I would advise having these higher and then angled down, it produces a better sound stage. Also it would be more ideal to have your centre under the tv, but like you I have also positioned it above and it causes no problems.


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Apr 7, 2010
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Hi pauled51

If it were me IMO would have them in position / option 2 for better seperation.

I dont know if i would angle the front L/R speakers down, but you could experiment with that & with the centre speaker to see which suits your listening position / positions best, this wouldnt affect the lengh of cable you buy, if you get an extra metre to cover it.

All rooms tend a bit of an experiment, most homes are not ideal & you will find you will have to compromise somewhere along the line. My Front L/R are just over 11ft apart because of the shape of my room, so i have no choice. They sound good to me & work well with music as well as film & because they are so far apart have a large sweet spot.

Regards ... Paul


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Mar 9, 2010
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Great speaker package,I ran this set up for a while. Def option 2. I would not angle the the R90's down. I have my Apex A10 at about 1.5m wall mounted and do not angle them down. I too have the fire place issue. I have managed to put my centre on the mantle piece. Is this possible for you? If not above the tv will work,this is how I used to have my Radius R180 and it was v good but you can't angle it down I'm afraid but I had no issues with this.



Thanks for the info.

No problem with the fire for me concerning the centre speaker, as the tv is off to one side. However, I cannot put the front-left speaker directly above the fire so will position it just off to the left; hence the overall separation and height of front speakers as described in option 2.

Now that I have located the Onkyo AVR in my hifi rack to one side of the tv, I will need just a 2 shelf rack for the BD player and Sky+ below the wall-mount tv, so I can now place the centre either above or below the tv. I guess I was thinking above the tv to give it a closer relationship to the fronts that will also be placed above the tv. Does it really matter if the centre is above or below the tv in my configuration for option 2 and/or is it best to have the centre below the tv generally?

I will go for option 2, so thanks for the feedback, and just need to decide on the centre above/below the tv.



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Are you sitting the speaker on a shelf below the TV or will it be wall mounted above it? Do you sit opposite the TV or will the viewing position be angled, ie TV in corner)


I plan to wall-mount the centre speaker above the tv, but I can also wall-mount it below the tv if that is a better option (I'll have a two-shelf rack below the tv for the Sky+ box and BD player, so leaving 20cm space for wall mounting the centre speaker directly below the tv if so desired).

Me and my wife sit directly opposite the tv (tv wall mounted), so no corners to worry about. Solid brick walls front and back of viewing position, so perfect orientation for 5.1 sound.

So, should I wall-mount centre speaker below or above the tv? I can of course experiment next week when I take delivery of tv and speakers, but good to have your advice.



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Mar 9, 2010
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I would wall mount the centre if you are sitting directly opposite.It is designed for wall mounting and will save space on tour stand.
Let us know how you get on and post some pics.
Most of all enjoy your excellent system!


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