Marantz CDP Dilemma - What to do?


New member
Sep 6, 2008
I bought a new CD6003 yesterday, which turned out to be faulty, so it's going back for an exchange. However, the dealer has told me that he has a SA7001 that he can let me have for £359.99. Should I go for it, or stick with the CD6003, which cost £269.99.

I don't have any SACDs, but will the extra £90 be worth paying for better sound on my CDs
Personally I`d stick with the 6003 as I also have no sacds. Keep the £90 for those wires you want.
Turns out the SA7001 was a KI, but it was also silver.

I've gone for a straight swap and so far, all seems fine.
Silver still seems wrong to me, black just seems to look "right". Mind you, my current cdp is kind of beige! I hope the replacement works out for you.
Turns out the SA7001 was a KI, but it was also silver.

I've gone for a straight swap and so far, all seems fine.

Sorry, you got the 7'KI?

No; I swapped for another CD6003.
Ah ok. Ignore me then (I'd have got the KI
JohnDuncan:Ah ok. Ignore me then (I'd have got the KI

If it had been black, so might I. But then again, I've just found out today that the house needs a new boiler. So I need to find three grand from somewhere, never mind another £90!
JohnDuncan:Ah ok. Ignore me then (I'd have got the KI

If it had been black, so might I. But then again, I've just found out today that the house needs a new boiler. So I need to find three grand from somewhere, never mind another £90!

See, it was fate...
Three grand for a new boiler??!! Mate, you need to look around a bit. I recently had a very nice Worcester Bosch 30CDi installed for half that (including the price of the boiler, which I bought myself). Remember plumbers get boilers trade price (around 30%off) so a bit of bargaining is in order.

The 30CDi will heat up a three bedroom house easily and is dead reliable, as well as quiet running. Spend the grand or so I'm sure you can save to get a ripping hifi, haha, good luck. Don't pay over the odds, especially at the moment when tradesmen ain't that busy!
Three grand for a new boiler??!! Mate, you need to look around a bit. I recently had a very nice Worcester Bosch 30CDi installed for half that (including the price of the boiler, which I bought myself). Remember plumbers get boilers trade price (around 30%off) so a bit of bargaining is in order.

The 30CDi will heat up a three bedroom house easily and is dead reliable, as well as quiet running. Spend the grand or so I'm sure you can save to get a ripping hifi, haha, good luck. Don't pay over the odds, especially at the moment when tradesmen ain't that busy!

That was the first figure that came into my head. I'm waiting for the quotes at the moment.
Well, I'd have gone with the other option and sod the £90...(see below). The KI for £359? That's almost a giveaway price. Got mine for £300 in a sale, but yours is the next lowest price I'd seen.
I'm interested to Marantz you think there's much difference of sound compared to the SA7001 KI or is better i proceed with this and save money?
Not too sure about the difference, however the SA8003 is the next step along from the SA7001-KI, although it borrows more in looks from the higher end gear in the company's line-up. I suspect it may carry more bass weight to the delivery than the 7001KI, but haven't heard to confirm. It does, however, offer SACD still, which is very handy if you have such discs. Definitely one to shortlist in the £500-£1000 bracket, but don't overlook the opportunity to hear the 7001-KI if you have the chance. It's a very special performer IMO.


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