S.Coates said:relocated said:A very comprehensive statement there.
One thing you have certainly got wrong is " hereford costly) amplifies and speakers". Not true at all, pro monitors are nothing like the cost of 'hifi' kit and yet they are happily used in the music production process before it ever gets to cd etc., etc.
Not quite sure what your reply is intimating nor why you have a problem with me stating that transparent equipment is costly, it is. There was no reference to it being "pro" gear, indeed, it is clear, given the context ( ie sufficently revealing to identify the sometimes subtle - though sometimes obvious depending on the nature - changes/differences caused by jitter) the assumption is home hi-fi. Genuinely baffled by your response!
As you are 'genuinely baffled' I shall try to make things clearer, for your benefit and anyone elses [jd?].
Transparent enough product DO NOT have to be costly. SOME sound engineers and recording studios use comparatively inexpensive monitors to determine what gets on to the cd. That doesn't mean ALL pro gear is inexpensive in relation to domestic hi-fi but that is the tendancy, as far as I am aware. As someone else said, those very same engineers, BUT NOT ALL OF THEM, go home and listen domestically to pro monitors that once again are generally less expensive than their hi-fi equivalent.
So no absolute statements made or was ever intended in this or my previous post. Unfortunately I had forgotten that if you refer to pro gear in a post you have to be very very careful how you say something. Otherwise, as has happened on this thread, there is always going to be someone who will jump to the wrong conclusion/misinterpret your post and generally acccuse you of being absolutist, WHEN YOU HAVEN'T BEEN.
So in short, you don't need gear to be expensive to be transparent and revealing you just need the right sort of gear.
My apologies for the length and complexity of this post, I am not having a go at you. I am merely attempting to give a sufficiently full and non-absolutest response so that some muppet doesn't chime in with a needless criticism based on their own predispositions.
:wall: :wave: