I want to add bluetooth to my Denon AVR-2312 to be able to connect my pc and receiver together with BT.
i dont know whether to buy rca bt converter or usb for best signal or does it even matter? If i go with RCA it would have to be on the back of the receiver possibly disrupting signal clearance. And using BT it would have to be on the front of reciever sticking out annoyingly. Not sure how sensitive BT is to obstructions.
The distance between my pc and receiver is approximately 4 meters (13 feet).
I want to add bluetooth to my Denon AVR-2312 to be able to connect my pc and receiver together with BT.
i dont know whether to buy rca bt converter or usb for best signal or does it even matter? If i go with RCA it would have to be on the back of the receiver possibly disrupting signal clearance. And using BT it would have to be on the front of reciever sticking out annoyingly. Not sure how sensitive BT is to obstructions.
The distance between my pc and receiver is approximately 4 meters (13 feet).