Like London busses, two come along at once . . .


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May 25, 2011
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My frustrations with cartridges looks like its almost over . . . ? I finally had some intelligent conversation with two dealers! Like London buses, non for ages then two come along together . . . Audio Consultants in Reading and Home Media, Kent.

Both Benz dealers, Reading is a long way for me, and a bit high end specialised. Maidstone are about at my level and its more doable distance wise. I can relax . . . get dems, use my own amp and step up (if required), drink coffee in the process . . . it will be nice to use this week to sort out my cartridge issues once and for all . . . !!!! ????

Watch this space . . . CJSF


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Talking to one of said 'bus shops'? . . . this morning . . . He took on board what I said, wanted, likes, dislikes etc., asked a few questions and then very thoughtfully and delicately suggested as their experienced with acrylic had been? I should re listen to the original 'Rega glass platter' . . . He seemed to think the acrylic was adding to the cool, analytical nature of the sound, making it wearing to listen to over a length of time. Yes this was what I found, very wearing.

Its a very simple job to change the platter . . . not forgetting I still had the 'ISOsub' installed, I tried the original glass platter . . . he was not wrong, initially I though it was less detail, then one started to become aware of information that had not been there previously, presentation had changed slightly . . . my normal test tracks became easy on the ear, not so 'in the face, listen to this' style!!!! The information was generally there but warmer, subtle, relaxed . . . . . ? As said, still got the after market sub-platter/ruby bearing with my personal damping installed.

To those who are looking at Rega TT upgrades, the above is for your consideration . . . Acrylic seems to lend more bite to the information presentation . . . beware, I have been blaming my problems on the cartridge, it might not be all to blame.

I dont think I've got it all wrong, the Ortofons are a little brash, and yes I did try the Black stylus in the Blue body again, not worth the effort!!! There is a need to step back and re look at things, listen to the advise . . . . that sub-platter is having more affect on the glass platter than I gave it credit for . . . It depends on the presentation you like, fast, furious and analytical or laid back, warm and detailed with a bit more sound stage; . . . 'pipe and slippers' = Benz ACE :?

How things change, maybe I have changed, or discovered what I really wanted? . . . who said I told you so? . . . you might be half right . . . CJSF

floyd droid

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CJSF said:
. . It depends on the presentation you like, fast, furious and analytical or laid back, warm and detailed with a bit more sound stage; . . . 'pipe and slippers' = Benz ACE :?

I think you may be in for a surprise then CJ as the ACE dosnt major on either of the above. Benzs are most certainly not 'pipe and Slippers'. They are just bloody good carts.

If you want more soundstage trade in your rega and buy a mich gyro se minimum. You will be able to stop mucking around and frying your brain then. Michell/Rega arm or variants thereof / Benz cart, job done. In my humble opinion (and Steve at Mich and thousands of others ,lol ). :cheers:


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I agree with me old mate FD here. Maybe it's not something you want to do right now, but if the tinkering does get old for you, the Gyro would be a perfect end game, as pound for pound, it's as good as it gets.


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I think the above is good advice. Not necessarily the Gyro (good though it is) but I see CJSF as more a Nottingham Analogue man. Whatever, the Benz,, and I'm assuming it is the Ace, deserves better than the Rega arm you're going to use, as indeed did the Black. This isn't to knock your Rega, just saying you've discovered its limitations.

Plus, as Floyd Droid says, the Benz are great cartridges. Myself, in the day when I had vinyl, I'd have picked Dynavector, but only because they added life to that most dreary of bands, Pink Floyd :)


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floyd droid said:
Lo Bretts. Want to share my crash hat for when the rega brigade turn up >)

A turntable costing £600 more than the Rega P5* should sound £600 better.

I don't think there is any call for crash hats.

*Assuming the Gyrodec SE is purchased with the unmodified Rega arm.

floyd droid

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altruistic.lemon said:
, in the day when I had vinyl, I'd have picked Dynavector, but only because they added life to that most dreary of bands, Pink Floyd :)

Lol. Nice to see someone with a sense of humour on here for a change Mr Lemon.

Good call on the Notts Analogue, more laid back, may suit CJs taste for the older sounds he is trying for,maybe. Yup and the arm. Perhaps a fettle by J7 for instance.

We likes spending your money CJ.


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I've a feeling Bretty and Mr.Droid may have a point.

When I changed from Rega 3 + RB300 + A&R E77 Cart to LP12 + Ittok + Asak, it was quite a jump in SQ (and so it should have been). It was all fed into a Naim 42/110/Snaps + MA R852.....and I've never quite been able to replicate that, punchy, musical and detailed, with a great soundstage (though I am getting there).

floyd droid

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Bandits a 3'oclock. Flipping heck Chebby, the chandeliers in my west wing were shaking from your footfall in running to the desktop. Lighten up mate. Tis the season to be jolly. :grin:

It was a joke regarding the crash hats :)


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Mmm . . . points taken, we will see how things pan out over the next few days . . . "silk purse out of a sows ear" . . . I'd like something in the silk purse top pay for the suggestions??

However, I do have the where-with-all, its the crowbar I'm leaving behind when I go to the demo . . . 8)



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altruistic.lemon said:
I think the above is good advice. Not necessarily the Gyro (good though it is) but I see CJSF as more a Nottingham Analogue man. Whatever, the Benz,, and I'm assuming it is the Ace, deserves better than the Rega arm you're going to use, as indeed did the Black. This isn't to knock your Rega, just saying you've discovered its limitations.

Plus, as Floyd Droid says, the Benz are great cartridges. Myself, in the day when I had vinyl, I'd have picked Dynavector, but only because they added life to that most dreary of bands, Pink Floyd :)

These are questions I will ask dealer, and look to establish a hands on answer . . . ? As far as cartridges goes, I'm open to their suggestions, for instance they list the Dyno DV20x at £449 a bargain price! It, along with the 10x5 has always been on my list ??? but not knowing how they sounds any more than the Benz . . . ???? Its unfair the industry expects the punter to do exactly that 'punt' XXX hundred pounds on an unknown.

True, I may have reach the extent of the P5/RP700's abilities . . . however I'm not convinced of that. The after sale upgrades have helped to show there is more. Products like the original Townsend Rock make me feel there is more to come . . . from where is the question? I used to own a Rock as my reference, thinking back, it was very basic but it out performed my LP12 in the next room, may be that was because of the EAR 509 Mono blocks, valve pre and the SPU cartridge . . . against an LP12/NAD integrated, cant remember what the rest of that family system was, the point is tuning the whole as required.

Its also good to back track, one can be blinkered, also that, although the acrylic is not wrong, it certainly needs a rethink by me? Interesting to see the new Rega P6 has a 15mm two piece glass platter, thats bound to be the original 12mm platter and a 5mm ring glued underneath to ad mass. Almost certainly operate as a broken bell at the adhesive line . . . easy enough to fabricate something like it . . . probably work to good effect, especially if one used 6mm laminated glass as the lower mass ring . . . ? There I go again, the brain wont stop!


floyd droid

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CJSF said:
As far as cartridges goes, I'm open to their suggestions, for instance they list the Dyno DV20x at £449 a bargain price! It, along with the 10x5 has always been on my list ??? but not knowing how they sounds any more than the Benz . . . ???? Its unfair the industry expects the punter to do exactly that 'punt' XXX hundred pounds on an unknown.

This is the world of carts though isnt it CJ. What if you bounce 1500 quids worth of ear candy,for instance.

However moving on, are you aware of Ian Harrison hifi ?. If not write it down for future use. No interweb site, he uses one of those old fashioned telephone wotsits. No dem/or ex dem all brand new. But if you are sure on what you want , and he deals with that company, he is unbeatable pricewise. In some cases im talking serious price differentials. Ian has been in this game for over 25yrs so he is no fly by night. A few folks on here will verify this.


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May 25, 2011
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floyd droid said:
CJSF said:
As far as cartridges goes, I'm open to their suggestions, for instance they list the Dyno DV20x at £449 a bargain price! It, along with the 10x5 has always been on my list ??? but not knowing how they sounds any more than the Benz . . . ???? Its unfair the industry expects the punter to do exactly that 'punt' XXX hundred pounds on an unknown.

This is the world of carts though isnt it CJ. What if you bounce 1500 quids worth of ear candy,for instance.

However moving on, are you aware of Ian Harrison hifi ?. If not write it down for future use. No interweb site, he uses one of those old fashioned telephone wotsits. No dem/or ex dem all brand new. But if you are sure on what you want , and he deals with that company, he is unbeatable pricewise. In some cases im talking serious price differentials. Ian has been in this game for over 25yrs so he is no fly by night. A few folks on here will verify this.

Thanks for the name floyd, noted.

One gets the idea that more money 'softens' the dealers resolve? Short sighted, I might want to spend 10 G's next month? then again . . . :O

I'm almost at a point of frustration where I feel like relegating the vinyl . . . its only 200 records I salvaged from my original collection, looking at prices of new ones, I can live with £20 but the £50 - £100+ touches, who is kidding who, its boot sales for me? The words rip off and band wagon come to mind along with gullible and geek?

OK rant over, the analogue fire is not burning so bright this morning, I need a fix, its time to phone the TT guru at 'Home Media', I was only talking to his clued up side kick yesterday . . . :?



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