LG 37inch - Help required


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Im looking at purchasing the LG37LF65 from Currys or Dixons online. Im struggling to find information on this TV, it appears to be listed on the LG site as 37LF66 however when I look on the link for a larger image of the TV it shows as 37LF65. (All a bit confusing) also only available from the Currys Group? Anyway can anyone confirm the true code of this TV and/ or if this is infact the same TV? Also does anyone have experience with this TV or know of any reviews or review sites.... Its a newish TV and therefore I couldnt find the TV in the mag? Any help would be vastly appreciated. P.S could anyone also recommend an alternative, I previously asked about 32inch TV's and look forward to recieving the oct edition thru the post, but Im thinking that I could stretch to 37inch now. Many Thanks in advance
Hi there

I've done a side-by-side comparison of the 37LF65/66 (the model numbers will be unique to DSG - Dixons Store Groups, which is Currys and Dixons) with the LG37LY95, which we tested in our August issue, and they seem to be identical sets.

You can do a side-by-side comparison of the features online here.

We gave the LY95 a three-star review - it's not bad, but you can buy better, even at that money (the winning Panasonic TH-37PX70 in that test is available for less, even).

Hope this helps.


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