KEF LS50 disappointment :(

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avole said:
can boom in the wrong position. Kefs are rear ported, which means they should really be located some distance from a wall.

Infinite baffle speakers are better in this regard, hence the BBC monitors and others based on this model sound a lot tighter. However, they don't go down as low, which the porting tricks your ears that they can.
this is the reason I am saving for the ATC scm 7,I think the 60hz bass roll, off will suit my room,as 40&50hz bass modes are strong .
avole said:
can boom in the wrong position. Kefs are rear ported, which means they should really be located some distance from a wall.

Infinite baffle speakers are better in this regard, hence the BBC monitors and others based on this model sound a lot tighter. However, they don't go down as low, which the porting tricks your ears that they can.
this is the reason I am saving for the ATC scm 7,I think the 60hz bass roll, off will suit my room,as 40&50hz bass modes are strong .
Native_bon said:
Andrewjvt said:
Native_bon said:
Andrewjvt said:
lpv said:
bass or boom?

Not many know the difference
Thats arrogance. *diablo*

No its a generalisation
*good* I hate bass boom like nothing else. Most speakers I listen to are either too bassy or to bright. Now the IPL Acoustics are just on the mark. Deep clean musical bass. *music2*
every ported speaker that i have heard ,is boomy, way to much emphasis on bass *smile*
I had Boston acoustics M340 before my IPL speakers, & they sounded very good. 4, four inch woofers on each speaker with very little to no boom, & they were ported speakers. The only real weakness was the mid range sounded a bit closed in. But yes most ported speakers boom a lot.
lpv said:
floyd droid62 said:
every ported speaker that i have heard ,is boomy, way to much emphasis on bass

so boom, not bass
my small room causes the Speaker's to Boom Yes,because I have chosen the wrong speakers for my room ,If I had money I would try the harbeth P3esr,you talk if boom & bass are different! Are they not the same thing, bass is a term for low frequency sound, boom is uncontrolled bass!
floyd droid62 said:
lpv said:
do you think harbeths won't boom in your room?
they only do 75hz at -3db and they are designed to work in small rooms

many ported or not speakers are designed to work in small rooms too.. there are some designed to work right against the wall and still ported.. you may have room mode at 80Hz, 100Hz or 120Hz and the harberths still boom.. I think you should be looking at speakers/ amp combination with fast, agile and contolled bass
Unless someone is incredibly cloth-eared I think they can hear if there is an over emphasised bass in a room.

Now whether this is a room interaction/too close to a rear wall/a rear port emphasis - only the listener can judge. I've heard the difference an amp can make with ported speakers - excellent bass control etc. This is why it's so important to demo at home.

An over emphasised bass or boom - surely it's the same? What we all want is an extended, low frequency response - and well controlled too!

FWIW I've heard the LS50 speakers through a Marantz Pear lite - It sounded very coherent and musical with a well defined bass - make sure you use good stands too.

cheers tonky
lpv said:
floyd droid62 said:
lpv said:
do you think harbeths won't boom in your room?
they only do 75hz at -3db and they are designed to work in small rooms

many ported or not speakers are designed to work in small rooms too.. there are some designed to work right against the wall and still ported.. you may have room mode at 80Hz, 100Hz or 120Hz and the harberths still boom.. I think you should be looking at speakers/ amp combination with fast, agile and contolled bass
you are right, i do indeed have room modes at 80hz & 100hz ,but i believe it is the 40hz region that is cousing problems; as when i had floorstanders the boom disappeared with a 100hz crossover,using bass management , i only have a stereo amp now ( AVR broke) CXA60, this is what i used on the kef ls50,s.i even tried a focal chorus 705 just to see if it would work in my room, there was a sight drone on certain bass notes, tubular bells part one ,the bass guitar intro,was over emphasised for example! the speakers are on a 11ft ; wall which they hate, So that is why i am trying sealed speakers just to see if they will work for me ,my problem room,speakers go each side of t.v, when i get them. kefls50 were tried there!
My LS50s are about 6/7" away from a solid wall and they work fine. I have no doubt that my bass response isn't flat (I know I have a 50Hz null), but they don't sound boomy, although I do use the outer part of the bung as I prefer the balance.
David@FrankHarvey said:
My LS50s are about 6/7" away from a solid wall and they work fine. I have no doubt that my bass response isn't flat (I know I have a 50Hz null), but they don't sound boomy, although I do use the outer part of the bung as I prefer the balance.
i have a 50hz boom& 40hz,boom,80hz & 100 hz is high,So know wonder, i have problems! ( i did try bungs)but why did the little focal 705 drone a little?do youn think sealed speaker would be better?
I would have to see your room response graph to make more sense of it really. In theory, a sealed speaker should work better, but you'll still have the same peaks in the same places, just maybe not as pronounced. It all depends how their tailing resonse compares to another speaker you've tried.
David@FrankHarvey said:
I would have to see your room response graph to make more sense of it really. In theory, a sealed speaker should work better, but you'll still have the same peaks in the same places, just maybe not as pronounced. It all depends how their tailing resonse compares to another speaker you've tried.
i have never done a room response graph,never had the equipment,but i have used the AMROC room calculator,which indicates 40,50,65.71 80 &102 peaks,but when i had audyssey in only reduced 80hz*scratch_one-s_head* but the drone remained,i am sick of sending speakers back ,should i try the atc scm7,or buy a new AVR & a cheaper speaker like the dali Zensor 3? and use bass management as i know a 100hz crossover sort of works . p.s the focal chorus 705 was almost there,still a sight drone though!
Rather than using a calculator, I'd try and measure the room properly so you can see exactly what's going on. The Anthem and Arcam AVRs with ARC and DIRAC respectively should sort out virtually any room, which you can do manually if the EQ fails to do its job. This should leave you open to any speakers you wish to use.
David@FrankHarvey said:
Rather than using a calculator, I'd try and measure the room properly so you can see exactly what's going on. The Anthem and Arcam AVRs with ARC and DIRAC respectively should sort out virtually any room, which you can do manually if the EQ fails to do its job. This should leave you open to any speakers you wish to use.
i think your right,in fact i know your right*smile* so save for a arcam avr than, thanks
In fact, I'm surprised more people don't look at amps like Arcam's SR250 for hi-fi use as you will pretty much be able to achieve a far flatter response with a little bit of easy tweaking. Obviously, nulls are a different issue - they can be reduced a little, but not completely removed.
David@FrankHarvey said:
In fact, I'm surprised more people don't look at amps like Arcam's SR250 for hi-fi use as you will pretty much be able to achieve a far flatter response with a little bit of easy tweaking. Obviously, nulls are a different issue - they can be reduced a little, but not completely removed.
just googled the price ,after cleaning my reading glasses*smile* £2500 " way out of my league" but thanks anyway*smile*
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