shkumar4963 said:A question that Vlad and others can answer.
It seems that the sound stage created by my LS50 is about 18 inch below and about 24 inches behind the two speakers.
What decides where the sound stage is created? Is it in the recording itself ( but this sound stage placement is consistent with many recordings), angle of the speaker placements (about 3 degrees looking down) or something else?
Firstly, recording and production have the greatest impact on stereo, imaging, details, everything. Number of microphones, environment, types of microphones, their palcement, engineer's decisions on the board, producer's added effects and mixing etc.
Secondly, speaker positioning and room modes / reflections.
Last and least effect is the speakers themselves, cabinet diffractions, cabinet resonance, crossover or physical alignment timing, phase alignment etc. I guess record players would also come in this category as transducers, depending on the cart, the tracking, the record pressing, LP center alignment etc.
Amplifiers, cables and digital sources should have no impact on stereo imaging.
Would love to hear what others think about this as well. I presume conventional wisdom will be that speakers have greater impact on stereo than room acoustics and positioning. I think speakers and room cannot be separated really. It's one system. Dipole speakers interact with a room differently than closed box.