hg said:
shkumar4963 said:
Does anyone know if LS50 will survive this 0 db THX reference volume.
No. They are essentially desktop speakers and will provide THX referencel levels (85dB + 20dB headroom) at 1 m. They cannot provide this level at 3m in a room for which you would need larger speakers designed for this purpose.
0 dB in my amplifier is probably a lot louder than 85dB. The sound at 2 meters from this amplifier at -25 dB with LS 50 is similar to a lawn mower operating at 1 ft and for a 6 ft. man about 6 ft from his ears.
So either the amplifier's 0dB is wrong or THX reference is louder than 85dB. What is the speaker sensitivity assumed for THX certification? THX certified amplifier is probably assuming that speaker sensitivity.
The point from David regarding use of 5 channels and subwoofer may have an effect. Though I am not sure how?
1. Subwoofer will take some load of the amplifier. Not sure if it will take any load off the speakers above 80 hz. frequency. I am not using a sub right now.
2. 3 additional speakers will take power from the amplifier transformer that also supplies power to the the two front channels. But assuming that the transformer has been designed correctly and with sufficient capacity, it should not have any impact on sound levels.
3. Use of THX encoded signal may adjust preamp output thus making 0dB sound much softer than the signal from CD without THX. I will check if volume levels at 0dB goes down with THX encoded DVD.
4. It is also possble that the Yanaha AVR is not properly caliberated and does not show THX reference volume at 0dB. There may also be a option somewhere in the amp that has not been set correctly. I do see that increasing the volume past 0dB (without any input signal) does not show any positive dB numbers. If it was a THX reference level, should I not be able to increase the volume beyond reference volume level?
Does anyone know what does 0dB in an AVR volume truly mean?