First I used an ipod connected into the back of my amp - brilliant sound. Then I got Spotify and connected the laptop to the amp via a DAC - brilliant sound. Then I moved a batch of lossless music files from hard drive onto the laptop (its memory is not big enough to take everything from the hard drive) so I could listen to itunes through the DAC - dreadful sound. I get crackles like I am listening to old records, the sound is flat with no dynamic and poor muddy bass and I get strange echos.
I use a Dell Inspiron 1300 that functions prefectly. I am not very computer savvy.
Any suggestions? Thanks.
EDIT if you remember this thread, skip to the end for the solution...........
I use a Dell Inspiron 1300 that functions prefectly. I am not very computer savvy.
Any suggestions? Thanks.
EDIT if you remember this thread, skip to the end for the solution...........