flakmonkey: OK Ill put it in my own words:
Basically for a linear system, which applies to a high degree to amps and cables at audible frequencies, then bi-wiring and passive bi-amping cannot make a difference (superposition principle). If you want to get into the physics feel free 🙂
Passive biamping and biwiring fall into the same category.
Active biamping, using external crossovers can and will give some benefit but there may be more cost effective ways of getting a bigger leap in performance than doing this.
This is science, not hifi myth
Well, when you put it like that,,,I still disagree with you.
Basically for a linear system, which applies to a high degree to amps and cables at audible frequencies, then bi-wiring and passive bi-amping cannot make a difference (superposition principle). If you want to get into the physics feel free 🙂
Passive biamping and biwiring fall into the same category.
Active biamping, using external crossovers can and will give some benefit but there may be more cost effective ways of getting a bigger leap in performance than doing this.
This is science, not hifi myth
Well, when you put it like that,,,I still disagree with you.