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Aug 13, 2008
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Lucky chaps...I'm on my 5th try after receiving "internal errors" which appear to be down to Apple's servers not able to register the software....Grrh...I've been at this since 6pm. Last attempt until the morning so fingers crossed!


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Oct 4, 2007
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I also thought it was 'shinier'.

Can't move the newstand to another folder though :eek:(

Have synced via wi-fi but itunes keeps starting itself on the PC - possibly because I have enabled wifi sync?

Wonder what will happen with 2nd iPhone and iPad 2???

Edit: iPad is now downloading the iOS5 update. Would have thought one download would have been sufficient for all idevices?




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Cofnchtr said:
Edit: iPad is now downloading the iOS5 update. Would have thought one download would have been sufficient for all idevices?

There is a lot of variation in functionality between the models (there is a different install for iPad and iPad2 for instance). They have seperate installers to keep the build as lean and fast as possible.


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May 24, 2008
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I have 50 meg BB at home, and still its taken just over 2 hours with 40 odd mins left. For some reason I need to install a Mac OS update (iCloud maybe?). Anyway, hope its worth it.



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Aug 13, 2008
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Now on 8th attempt to load on iOS5 to my iPad2 - still getting internal error after goes through a painfully slow back up. This is definitely my last go today. All rather disappointing. I also can't get Apple TV to just fails :(


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Oct 4, 2007
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Paul Hobbs said:
Cofnchtr said:
Edit: iPad is now downloading the iOS5 update. Would have thought one download would have been sufficient for all idevices?

There is a lot of variation in functionality between the models (there is a different install for iPad and iPad2 for instance). They have seperate installers to keep the build as lean and fast as possible.


Thanks for the info. Would have preferred one 800mb download to 2 @ 700 though. Can't have it all I suppose!! At least I don't have a BB...




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Apr 14, 2009
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iphone updated after one hour download then 30minutes of faffing about with apps and music. Ipad on 3rd attempt - seems to be taking for ever on app restore. Apple tv failed once. Lion and iphoto took 2 and a half hours. iKnow iSad


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Dec 28, 2007
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Fave features so far are little scroll flick down to see Notifications, plus the Reminders app looks good.

Cofnchtr said:
Can't move the newstand to another folder though :eek:(

Yes, very poor that.

Cofnchtr said:
Have synced via wi-fi but itunes keeps starting itself on the PC - possibly because I have enabled wifi sync?

I don't seem to have this option on my Summary tab. Just to be clear, do you have something which looks like this in iTunes?


i.e. a tick box which says "Sync with this iPhone over Wi-fi"?


You lucky suckers, my iTunes is not showing the update to 10.5 yet, so no chance of getting iOS5 yet, I'll try again in the morning. I need sometime with it before deciding if the 4S is a worthy investment or not!


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Aug 2, 2010
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Got it here on my iPad.

Been at it since about 6:15pm. A couple of errors and an age 'backing up' and restoring, finally finished at about 10pm.

Liking the tabbed browsing and erm... Well that's all I've really played with so far.



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Not supprising its all taken this long when you think about it, they have released Lion 10.7.2, os upgrades for all of their gadgets, new itunes 10.5, new versions of iWork, added text tone store to itunes and opened up iCloud. They must be stress testing that new data centre in carolina, cos I bet its getting hammered right now!


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May 24, 2008
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Possibly just theres too much demand on the server Dan?

All the OSX gubbins is now downloaded and I have setup iCloud (very simple), and I have 20 mins left for iTunes to get the iOS 5 software. Looks like that'll be me going to bed then...


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Jun 2, 2008
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Been tooling around for 30 minutes with everything to ensure it all works and everything (settings etc.) is still intact. It is. (Even the last answer on the calculator - that I had forgotton to clear - was still there.)

Seemless update. Everything is faster. Syncing it takes about a second rather than the 20 seconds it took before.

It's on a full charge so i'm going to see if battery life is the same over the next 24 hours.

Relieved - after some of the moans here - that it all looks good so far. (I really didn't want to have to get a 4S if I could help it.)

I've updated iTunes on three computers today (and the monthly Windows updates on two of them) and now this update too.

The router is finally cooling off :)


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Aug 22, 2007
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I wasn't bothered by the numerous errors trying to download 5.0, I knew their servers would be melting, so that was no big deal.

What was more annoying was my Touch failing to back up several times, then when it did eventually back up it failed to restore, leaving me with no option but to continue with a full restore/recovery which deleted all the contents. I then tried to use a back up from a few days ago, and it partially worked but didn't reload some of my apps or any of my music. I started the update with a full 64gb Touch, and I now have 3gb worth of stuff on it, of which 2gb or so won't work.

It still won't sync properly now, so I can't put anything else back on it. Some of my apps are stuck at 'waiting'. The camera is being choosy about when it wants to function. It's being fussy about my location. And there's more, but I'll leave it there!

"It just works". Hmmm. Maybe tomorrow!
I faced problems updating my iPad 2 (error 3014). I switched off my anti virus & firewall & tried again. No issues after that. Took almost 2 hours for the whole process.

Updating iTunes was a bigger headache for me, with my laptop freezing several ties.


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Dec 28, 2007
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Need a favour guys as I cannot get Wifi syncing to work. In iTunes, when you're iDevice is connected, do you see the following on the Summary tab? (click on pics for full size version)

Cos this ain't what I see. I get

Have been through troubleshooting guide and getting nowhere, so just want to check and make sure other people are seeing what I'm not!

Lee H

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Oct 7, 2010
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professorhat said:
Need a favour guys as I cannot get Wifi syncing to work. In iTunes, when you're iDevice is connected, do you see the following on the Summary tab? (click on pics for full size version)

Cos this ain't what I see. I get

Have been through troubleshooting guide and getting nowhere, so just want to check and make sure other people are seeing what I'm not!

Daft question, they're on the same network right?

I haven't tried it yet - after 3 1/2 hours I just powered the PC down and set the iCloud back up and Spotify caching in motion.

On a plus - I set a location reminder for this morning to go off when I got to work and that worked fine.


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Dec 28, 2007
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Thanks chebby - good to know. Lee - yep, they're on the same network.

Some further digging has revealed the possibility Wifi sync only works on OS X 10.6.8 and above - a little annoying as I'm stuck on 10.5.8 on my PowerPC Mac...

I've not confirmed it yet, but this is certainly looking to be the most likely cause.


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Jun 2, 2008
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professorhat said:
Some further digging has revealed the possibility Wifi sync only works on OS X 10.6.8 and above - a little annoying as I'm stuck on 10.5.8 on my PowerPC Mac...

I've not confirmed it yet, but this is certainly looking to be the most likely cause.

I am lucky that my iMac is the very last of the white series 20" (bought in March 2007) with Intel Core 2 Duo 2.33GHz and 3GB RAM.

I upgraded it to Snow Leopard 10.6.8 at the same time as I bought my iPhone 4 (in order to have the latest iTunes with AirPlay). It can even be upgraded to Lion although I have chosen to hold off that one until I have to.

iTunes on our other two computers is no problem because they are both Windows which supports the latest iTunes releases. (Even on XP Pro.)

Maybe you can find a good, clean second-hand Mac that will allow all the latest stuff.


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DrizztDan said:
error 3200,

Probably a bit late for this advice, sorry, but may be use in the future. If you ever successfully download an iOS update but are having dificulties, do a spotlight search for '.ipsw' to find where iTunes has stored the iOS install, then in iTunes Alt click (or shift click for a PC) on either 'check for Update' or 'Restore', this will alow you to manualy search and install iOS. This method is a reported fix for error 3200, as well as a handy get out of jail for many iOS related problems.


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