IAny any ideas on cable upgrades. I want to upgrade my speaker cable and interconnects and was thinking of :
Chord carnival silverscreen ,QED Silver anniversary XT , Kimber 4PR ,,4VS The length of cable will have to be 10 meters to each speaker.
interconnect :Chord silver chameleon plus ,Nordost blue heaven , Russ andrews -kimber Timber ,or Crystal cu ,DNM solid core interconnect
CURRENT SYSTEM: Musical fidelity X-A1 ,Cyrus FM 7.5, Cyrus CD 6S, Nordost Black knight interconnect, B&W 602 S3 ,Proel 12awg spk cable (from a DJ music shop)
I mainly listen to modern music.but dont want too much bass, Any other recommendations? Any help would be appreciated as I am unable to demo anywhere nearby.
Chord carnival silverscreen ,QED Silver anniversary XT , Kimber 4PR ,,4VS The length of cable will have to be 10 meters to each speaker.
interconnect :Chord silver chameleon plus ,Nordost blue heaven , Russ andrews -kimber Timber ,or Crystal cu ,DNM solid core interconnect
CURRENT SYSTEM: Musical fidelity X-A1 ,Cyrus FM 7.5, Cyrus CD 6S, Nordost Black knight interconnect, B&W 602 S3 ,Proel 12awg spk cable (from a DJ music shop)
I mainly listen to modern music.but dont want too much bass, Any other recommendations? Any help would be appreciated as I am unable to demo anywhere nearby.