keeper of the quays said:it's called a sense of sorry you appear not to have one? However you stick with cooker cable! Or coat hangers or freebie interconnects/cables..that is fine...but don't expect me to take anything you say seriously.BigH said:keeper of the quays said:I certainly hope I don't state my opinions as facts! I usually preface with in my opinion or in my view..i certainly don't offer a premise as a given? Thus supporting a argument..this type of device is used a lot on forums...BigH said:keeper of the quays said:re your point about subjective observation..that we can hear a difference between cables/interconnects? You then ask us to accept your premise that on blind testing? That no difference could be heard? Sorry I don't accept your premise..Ps you present your premise as if it's a fact? It isn't! Then ask to make up our own minds? Based on what? Spurious facts? When I write my drivel I always try to say 'in my opinion' Or 'in my view' makes me sound less full of bluster! Less 'know all' I'm am subjective..i listen with my my view people with high quality equipment who use cheap cables /interconnects are foolish...davedotco said:Perspective.
it is all about perspective. We all know that an analogue music signal is alternating current but in the spectrum of used electronic frequencies it is practically DC. This allows us to use Ohms Law and other simple equations derived for the use in direct current circuits to calculate wattage and current with minimal error.
It is important because many of the (scientific) effects used by cable manufacturers to promote their products are only really important at frequencies orders of magnitude higher than audio.
RF issues, surface effect, grain structure etc are all real but of minimal effect at audio frequencies, for example, RFI interference has such a tiny effect on interconnects that companies like Nordost, XLO and DNM routinely make and sell cables that are entirely unshielded.
In reality cables can and are designed differently but unless they are deliberately engineered to sound different by measurably altering their electrical characteristics they will sound pretty much the same.
Subjectivists will tell you to trust your ears as differences between cables are easy to hear, and yes, most of us have heard these differences. However these are sighted tests only, when such tests are carried out blind, the differences effectively disappear.
There is plenty of evidence of this if you care to look and very little to show that the differences can be reliably heard. Subjectivists will point out that such test conditions are compromised, different system, different room, stress on the listener etc, etc, such that the differences become harder to hear.
That is the argument, you decide for yourself which side you are on.
Actually there is quite a lot of evidence to support what Dave has said, maybe he should have added in his experience as he has done such tests. So its not just his view or opinion. You also state your opinion as fact?
A lot of these big fat cables are for show, appeal to the american audiophile market, look my cables are bigger than yours.
Yes you do, you better look back at some comments about changing cables. Here is one "Listen to my kit..then ill remove my lfd top of range two inch thick interconnects between power amp and pre amp..then ill put my vdh the name interconnects between said amp and pre? And you listen..if the difference isnt night and day? The name interconnect is a good one too! Then im a dutchman!" This one is even better "so my post is aimed at the oafs who think all cables sound the bloody not the case!!!!"
Hmmm does not sound like just an opinion to me. Calling people oafs does not really help your case and just inflames these sort of debates.
So your facts are a joke, yes very funny. And where did I ever say use cooker cable and coat hangers?