
Page 2 - Seeking answers? Join the What HiFi community: the world's leading independent guide to buying and owning hi-fi and home entertainment products.
keeper of the quays said:
Cables do make a all the wise and noble gentleman above who have kindly showered their years of discerning listening into cables make no difference! Are any of them using freebie cables? Why would anyone have expensive equipment and join it up with freebie interconnects? It frankly ludicrous!

Of course cables make a difference, without them you get no sound, but why would you pay good money when you already have some freebie ones that work? They don't affect sound quality in any way, they only need to make a connection.
Al ears said:
Alberich said:
MajorFubar said:
TrevC said:
Use the freebies. No outlay and identical sound!

'Non believers' like you and I are probably better sitting-out these type of threads. I've found that generally people don't want to be told they're mistaken, unless they specifically ask 'is this a load of tripe or is there something to it'. While we might be trying with our best intentions to stop them making [sometimes very expensive] wasted purchases on the assumption that they genuinely don't understand, I've learned it's not the message they want to hear and it rubs their fur the wrong way, no matter how you say it.

That said, for £18...I'd give it a shot, even if it's just buying you better build than the standard cables.

Well then why don't you?

Why don't you stay away from threads that discuss something you obviously have no time for, instead of trying to patronise those involved with comments like 'rub their fur the wrong way'

It seems a benign and freindly discussion between people about cables rubs your fur the wrong way.

You honestly think this forum is a good place for a friendly discussion about cables? Perhaps if you searched previous threads you will see you've come to the wrong place. 🙂

I'm aware of the previous on this subject thank you. The OP came here looking for some helpful comparison between a couple of interconnects. Apart from the first couple of replies all he got were snide remarks.

It's certainly the right place.
Unfortunately it's made up of the wrong people.
MajorFubar said:
Alberich said:
Don't become professionally offended just because I reminded you of your lack of impulse control. Your genuinely cracking me up here.

Think you need to ask the nurse to increase your medication. Let the record show that the first person to start an argument on this thread is you. You decided you were taking offence to a reply I made directly to another member, on a thread which upto that point you hadn't even contributed to. You had the right to ignore it, but no, you had to plough in and make more of it than was ever intended. Get over your big self.

EDIT: Oh and while we're at it, on my post which offended your soul so much, you may notice I recommended he tried the £18 cable. It could be a good buy. But of course you don't mention that in your criticism because it doesn't suit your agenda of depicting me as the thread's trouble maker.

More warrior rhetoric. Love it.
Please keep it coming, makes great bedtime reading.
Probably going to regret putting my head above the parapet, but surely there has to be an improvement in sound by using better quality interconnects? Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about unobtainium wrapped around graphene nanotube sound pipes but the interconnect becomes part of the signal path at relatively low signal level and I would have thought that decent quality copper, well terminated would yield some benefit over shoe-lace freebies with moulded plugs?

I've always spent about £20 on an RCA cable for that reason. I realise the members that have been here a while will understand the debate that has previously taken place but I have to say searching previous posts isn't easy and I think it would be genuinely interesting to understand.

The debate so far has a touch of Life of Brian about it.*biggrin*
TomSawyer said:
Probably going to regret putting my head above the parapet, but surely there has to be an improvement in sound by using better quality interconnects? Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about unobtainium wrapped around graphene nanotube sound pipes but the interconnect becomes part of the signal path at relatively low signal level and I would have thought that decent quality copper, well terminated would yield some benefit over shoe-lace freebies with moulded plugs?

I've always spent about £20 on an RCA cable for that reason. I realise the members that have been here a while will understand the debate that has previously taken place but I have to say searching previous posts isn't easy and I think it would be genuinely interesting to understand.

The debate so far has a touch of Life of Brian about it.*biggrin*
If one doesn't think it makes a difference then that's fine! If these people with their fine hifi use freebie interconnects? That's fine too..they can do whatever they want..its a pity though that they are not getting the best out of the equipment due to using freebie interconnects..just gives me the pip that they have the audacity to suggest us who know that cables make a difference are misled?
TomSawyer said:
Probably going to regret putting my head above the parapet, but surely there has to be an improvement in sound by using better quality interconnects? Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about unobtainium wrapped around graphene nanotube sound pipes but the interconnect becomes part of the signal path at relatively low signal level and I would have thought that decent quality copper, well terminated would yield some benefit over shoe-lace freebies with moulded plugs?

I've always spent about £20 on an RCA cable for that reason. I realise the members that have been here a while will understand the debate that has previously taken place but I have to say searching previous posts isn't easy and I think it would be genuinely interesting to understand.

The debate so far has a touch of Life of Brian about it.*biggrin*

You have pretty much hit the nail on the head, and providing a cable has the correct screening, are of a suitable CSA for the length and good quality connections (Gold plated (To minimise corrosion) with good strain relief and secure fixings) then nothing more is gained by going for exotic cables, so stick with your £20 one’s as its all that you need.

Some people on this site claim that all the exotic cables produced by Hi Fi cable manufactures are better, however not one has ever produced any verifiable evidence of this, on the other hand the ASA as slapped down a lot of Hi Fi cable manufactures for misleading customers about the benefits of these exotic cables, hence if you now go on their sites, they no longer say it will give better performance, but that they believe it improves performance, (IE: They cannot prove that it makes a difference) thus leaving it up to the purchaser to decide. (Hence the gullible flock like sheep to these cables as they are completely taken in by the hype)

In the final analysis it is up to the individual to decide, and the essayist way is just do a simple double blind test. (If you can reliably identify each cable then go with the one you prefer, if you can’t, then just stick with what you have and enjoy the music)

keeper of the quays said:
TomSawyer said:
Probably going to regret putting my head above the parapet, but surely there has to be an improvement in sound by using better quality interconnects? Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about unobtainium wrapped around graphene nanotube sound pipes but the interconnect becomes part of the signal path at relatively low signal level and I would have thought that decent quality copper, well terminated would yield some benefit over shoe-lace freebies with moulded plugs?

I've always spent about £20 on an RCA cable for that reason. I realise the members that have been here a while will understand the debate that has previously taken place but I have to say searching previous posts isn't easy and I think it would be genuinely interesting to understand.

The debate so far has a touch of Life of Brian about it.*biggrin*
If one doesn't think it makes a difference then that's fine! If these people with their fine hifi use freebie interconnects? That's fine too..they can do whatever they want..its a pity though that they are not getting the best out of the equipment due to using freebie interconnects..just gives me the pip that they have the audacity to suggest us who know that cables make a difference are misled?

You have done double blind tests?

In blind tests many people can't hear the difference, some can but some of those say its because they have been trained, so they are listening for certain sounds in the music not listening to the music as such. Many in the audio industry don't believe it or say the differences are small, read Roger Russell's article. A lot of people are mislead by manufacturers adverts and claims, we are gullible thats why advertising works. When they test medicine they have a placebo, its funny the people on the placebo often have positive results even though they were not taking any medicine. I did a test once, sighted, I could pick one that sounded better, then it went blind, well could I hear a difference, no. So anyone buying cables should do a blind test, double blind is better.
I suppose what I've always thought (and of course this is just the law of diminishing returns) was that it was worth going from free to (say) £20 because you get decent plugs and a thick(ish) coax cable compared to the 3mm dia cable and moulded plugs.

To recommend using the free interconnects, seems to suggest that using good quality components and wire throughout the signal chain is important except where the signal moves from one box to the other, which I find surprising.

For clarity, I'm not defending the Emperors New Clothes end of the market, but at the bottom of the market there does seem to be some justifiable engineering improvements available. And also, for clarity, I'm not suggesting anyone should do anything with their money other than what they would choose, just wondering whether we could turn stated positions into an instructive discussion that the OP and I might benefit from?
BigH said:
keeper of the quays said:
TomSawyer said:
Probably going to regret putting my head above the parapet, but surely there has to be an improvement in sound by using better quality interconnects? Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about unobtainium wrapped around graphene nanotube sound pipes but the interconnect becomes part of the signal path at relatively low signal level and I would have thought that decent quality copper, well terminated would yield some benefit over shoe-lace freebies with moulded plugs?

I've always spent about £20 on an RCA cable for that reason. I realise the members that have been here a while will understand the debate that has previously taken place but I have to say searching previous posts isn't easy and I think it would be genuinely interesting to understand.

The debate so far has a touch of Life of Brian about it.*biggrin*
If one doesn't think it makes a difference then that's fine! If these people with their fine hifi use freebie interconnects? That's fine too..they can do whatever they want..its a pity though that they are not getting the best out of the equipment due to using freebie interconnects..just gives me the pip that they have the audacity to suggest us who know that cables make a difference are misled?

You have done double blind tests?

In blind tests many people can't hear the difference, some can but some of those say its because they have been trained, so they are listening for certain sounds in the music not listening to the music as such. Many in the audio industry don't believe it or say the differences are small, read Roger Russell's article. A lot of people are mislead by manufacturers adverts and claims, we are gullible thats why advertising works. When they test medicine they have a placebo, its funny the people on the placebo often have positive results even though they were not taking any medicine. I did a test once, sighted, I could pick one that sounded better, then it went blind, well could I hear a difference, no. So anyone buying cables should do a blind test, double blind is better. 
so if I take off my lfd solid silver handmade variable thickness silver wire interconnects and replace them with a pair of freebie interconnects or a £20 puresonic or Belkin interconnect it's going to sound exactly the same? I have a Belkin interconnect and comparing it with my vdh is huge difference! By all means come and listen..judge for yourself no blind test required! I would much rather us gullible fellows spend our money on our wives, cars etc than bloody interconnects unfortunately us gullible ones can't...we want to get the best out of our equipment thus respecting the skills of the people who made the stuff in the first place..who in this forum has good equipment with freebie cables or freebie interconnects?
keeper of the quays said:
BigH said:
keeper of the quays said:
TomSawyer said:
Probably going to regret putting my head above the parapet, but surely there has to be an improvement in sound by using better quality interconnects? Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about unobtainium wrapped around graphene nanotube sound pipes but the interconnect becomes part of the signal path at relatively low signal level and I would have thought that decent quality copper, well terminated would yield some benefit over shoe-lace freebies with moulded plugs?

I've always spent about £20 on an RCA cable for that reason. I realise the members that have been here a while will understand the debate that has previously taken place but I have to say searching previous posts isn't easy and I think it would be genuinely interesting to understand.

The debate so far has a touch of Life of Brian about it.*biggrin*
If one doesn't think it makes a difference then that's fine! If these people with their fine hifi use freebie interconnects? That's fine too..they can do whatever they want..its a pity though that they are not getting the best out of the equipment due to using freebie interconnects..just gives me the pip that they have the audacity to suggest us who know that cables make a difference are misled?

You have done double blind tests?

In blind tests many people can't hear the difference, some can but some of those say its because they have been trained, so they are listening for certain sounds in the music not listening to the music as such. Many in the audio industry don't believe it or say the differences are small, read Roger Russell's article. A lot of people are mislead by manufacturers adverts and claims, we are gullible thats why advertising works. When they test medicine they have a placebo, its funny the people on the placebo often have positive results even though they were not taking any medicine. I did a test once, sighted, I could pick one that sounded better, then it went blind, well could I hear a difference, no. So anyone buying cables should do a blind test, double blind is better.
so if I take off my lfd solid silver handmade variable thickness silver wire interconnects and replace them with a pair of freebie interconnects or a £20 puresonic or Belkin interconnect it's going to sound exactly the same? I have a Belkin interconnect and comparing it with my vdh is huge difference! By all means come and listen..judge for yourself no blind test required! I would much rather us gullible fellows spend our money on our wives, cars etc than bloody interconnects unfortunately us gullible ones can't...we want to get the best out of our equipment thus respecting the skills of the people who made the stuff in the first place..who in this forum has good equipment with freebie cables or freebie interconnects?

You are imagining the differences you hear. It's as simple as that. I refer you to this scientific blind test.
chebby said:
TrevC said:
... I refer you to this scientific blind test.

Not that old chestnut? Please get a new test (or at least a different one) to link to.

I basically agree with you but I still groan a bit every time I see that bit of hi-fi 'archaeology' dragged up again.

He might not have seen it and the result speaks for itself. Not only interconnects, but amplifiers and CD players too!
keeper of the quays said:
BigH said:
keeper of the quays said:
TomSawyer said:
Probably going to regret putting my head above the parapet, but surely there has to be an improvement in sound by using better quality interconnects? Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about unobtainium wrapped around graphene nanotube sound pipes but the interconnect becomes part of the signal path at relatively low signal level and I would have thought that decent quality copper, well terminated would yield some benefit over shoe-lace freebies with moulded plugs?

I've always spent about £20 on an RCA cable for that reason. I realise the members that have been here a while will understand the debate that has previously taken place but I have to say searching previous posts isn't easy and I think it would be genuinely interesting to understand.

The debate so far has a touch of Life of Brian about it.*biggrin*
If one doesn't think it makes a difference then that's fine! If these people with their fine hifi use freebie interconnects? That's fine too..they can do whatever they want..its a pity though that they are not getting the best out of the equipment due to using freebie interconnects..just gives me the pip that they have the audacity to suggest us who know that cables make a difference are misled?

You have done double blind tests?

In blind tests many people can't hear the difference, some can but some of those say its because they have been trained, so they are listening for certain sounds in the music not listening to the music as such. Many in the audio industry don't believe it or say the differences are small, read Roger Russell's article. A lot of people are mislead by manufacturers adverts and claims, we are gullible thats why advertising works. When they test medicine they have a placebo, its funny the people on the placebo often have positive results even though they were not taking any medicine. I did a test once, sighted, I could pick one that sounded better, then it went blind, well could I hear a difference, no. So anyone buying cables should do a blind test, double blind is better.
so if I take off my lfd solid silver handmade variable thickness silver wire interconnects and replace them with a pair of freebie interconnects or a £20 puresonic or Belkin interconnect it's going to sound exactly the same? I have a Belkin interconnect and comparing it with my vdh is huge difference! By all means come and listen..judge for yourself no blind test required! I would much rather us gullible fellows spend our money on our wives, cars etc than bloody interconnects unfortunately us gullible ones can't...we want to get the best out of our equipment thus respecting the skills of the people who made the stuff in the first place..who in this forum has good equipment with freebie cables or freebie interconnects?

There maybe differences but until you do some double blind tests you don't really know. Why not try it? If I lived near Hastings ye I would be round.
TrevC said:
keeper of the quays said:
BigH said:
keeper of the quays said:
TomSawyer said:
Probably going to regret putting my head above the parapet, but surely there has to be an improvement in sound by using better quality interconnects? Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about unobtainium wrapped around graphene nanotube sound pipes but the interconnect becomes part of the signal path at relatively low signal level and I would have thought that decent quality copper, well terminated would yield some benefit over shoe-lace freebies with moulded plugs?

I've always spent about £20 on an RCA cable for that reason. I realise the members that have been here a while will understand the debate that has previously taken place but I have to say searching previous posts isn't easy and I think it would be genuinely interesting to understand.

The debate so far has a touch of Life of Brian about it.*biggrin*
If one doesn't think it makes a difference then that's fine! If these people with their fine hifi use freebie interconnects? That's fine too..they can do whatever they want..its a pity though that they are not getting the best out of the equipment due to using freebie interconnects..just gives me the pip that they have the audacity to suggest us who know that cables make a difference are misled?

You have done double blind tests?

In blind tests many people can't hear the difference, some can but some of those say its because they have been trained, so they are listening for certain sounds in the music not listening to the music as such. Many in the audio industry don't believe it or say the differences are small, read Roger Russell's article. A lot of people are mislead by manufacturers adverts and claims, we are gullible thats why advertising works. When they test medicine they have a placebo, its funny the people on the placebo often have positive results even though they were not taking any medicine. I did a test once, sighted, I could pick one that sounded better, then it went blind, well could I hear a difference, no. So anyone buying cables should do a blind test, double blind is better.
so if I take off my lfd solid silver handmade variable thickness silver wire interconnects and replace them with a pair of freebie interconnects or a £20 puresonic or Belkin interconnect it's going to sound exactly the same? I have a Belkin interconnect and comparing it with my vdh is huge difference! By all means come and listen..judge for yourself no blind test required! I would much rather us gullible fellows spend our money on our wives, cars etc than bloody interconnects unfortunately us gullible ones can't...we want to get the best out of our equipment thus respecting the skills of the people who made the stuff in the first place..who in this forum has good equipment with freebie cables or freebie interconnects?

You are imagining the differences you hear. It's as simple as that. I refer you to this scientific blind test.

Look at the power wiring for that blind test - no wonder they couldnt hear the differences - all the system were being strangled by being powered off that cheap and nasty extension lead - and they all powered into the same block so the noise from the crappier components is polluting the better ones.

All that effort, putting up the acoustic treatments (in the wrong place) and they missed something important like that - shows the effect of poor mains quality more than anything else.
ellisdj said:
TrevC said:
keeper of the quays said:
BigH said:
keeper of the quays said:
TomSawyer said:
Probably going to regret putting my head above the parapet, but surely there has to be an improvement in sound by using better quality interconnects? Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about unobtainium wrapped around graphene nanotube sound pipes but the interconnect becomes part of the signal path at relatively low signal level and I would have thought that decent quality copper, well terminated would yield some benefit over shoe-lace freebies with moulded plugs?

I've always spent about £20 on an RCA cable for that reason. I realise the members that have been here a while will understand the debate that has previously taken place but I have to say searching previous posts isn't easy and I think it would be genuinely interesting to understand.

The debate so far has a touch of Life of Brian about it.*biggrin*
If one doesn't think it makes a difference then that's fine! If these people with their fine hifi use freebie interconnects? That's fine too..they can do whatever they want..its a pity though that they are not getting the best out of the equipment due to using freebie interconnects..just gives me the pip that they have the audacity to suggest us who know that cables make a difference are misled?

You have done double blind tests?

In blind tests many people can't hear the difference, some can but some of those say its because they have been trained, so they are listening for certain sounds in the music not listening to the music as such. Many in the audio industry don't believe it or say the differences are small, read Roger Russell's article. A lot of people are mislead by manufacturers adverts and claims, we are gullible thats why advertising works. When they test medicine they have a placebo, its funny the people on the placebo often have positive results even though they were not taking any medicine. I did a test once, sighted, I could pick one that sounded better, then it went blind, well could I hear a difference, no. So anyone buying cables should do a blind test, double blind is better.
so if I take off my lfd solid silver handmade variable thickness silver wire interconnects and replace them with a pair of freebie interconnects or a £20 puresonic or Belkin interconnect it's going to sound exactly the same? I have a Belkin interconnect and comparing it with my vdh is huge difference! By all means come and listen..judge for yourself no blind test required! I would much rather us gullible fellows spend our money on our wives, cars etc than bloody interconnects unfortunately us gullible ones can't...we want to get the best out of our equipment thus respecting the skills of the people who made the stuff in the first place..who in this forum has good equipment with freebie cables or freebie interconnects?

You are imagining the differences you hear. It's as simple as that. I refer you to this scientific blind test.

Look at the power wiring for that blind test - no wonder they couldnt hear the differences - all the system were being strangled by being powered off that cheap and nasty extension lead - and they all powered into the same block so the noise from the crappier components is polluting the better ones.

All that effort, putting up the acoustic treatments (in the wrong place) and they missed something important like that - shows the effect of poor mains quality more than anything else.

ROFL. Mains stuff doesn't affect sound quality either. as you should know. Or are you joking?
Mains is one of the largest influencer on sound quality - much more so than interconnects and speakers, which is crazy considering its not even in the audio signal chain but its how it is if you want really good sound.

Certain aspects are system levellers - room acoutics is the first one. Mains quality is the second - it hinders a system ability to produce its full scale of sound and the system ability for the sound to be truly free of the speakers.
ellisdj said:
Mains is one of the largest influencer on sound quality - much more so than interconnects and speakers, which is crazy considering its not even in the audio signal chain but its how it is if you want really good sound.

Certain aspects are system levellers - room acoutics is the first one. Mains quality is the second - it hinders a system ability to produce its full scale of sound and the system ability for the sound to be truly free of the speakers.

Well in those tests they did not think so.
ellisdj said:
Mains is one of the largest influencer on sound quality - much more so than interconnects and speakers, which is crazy considering its not even in the audio signal chain but its how it is if you want really good sound.

Certain aspects are system levellers - room acoutics is the first one. Mains quality is the second - it hinders a system ability to produce its full scale of sound and the system ability for the sound to be truly free of the speakers.

You talk from your bottom but it is such nonsense it is hilarious, so well done for making me laugh.:O)
BigH said:
ellisdj said:
Mains is one of the largest influencer on sound quality - much more so than interconnects and speakers, which is crazy considering its not even in the audio signal chain but its how it is if you want really good sound.

Certain aspects are system levellers - room acoutics is the first one. Mains quality is the second - it hinders a system ability to produce its full scale of sound and the system ability for the sound to be truly free of the speakers.

Well in that test they did not think so.

Proves nothing - the testing of 3 mains cables is nothing to do with mains quality - this comes before these

If I remember rightly the top quality mains cable in this test was about £120s worth - if its not I read up on another test very similar to this before.

A good quality plug is about £90 on its own so its not even a fairly represnetative test of what is available to buy even if it was just a test mains cables on their own. So you cant say we have tested 3 from the "bottom end" of whats available and made a 100% conclusive decision.

You will need to hear everyone to do that - noone has.
ellisdj said:
TrevC said:
You talk from your bottom

Talking from it to one

Do yourself a favour, ask anyone with an electronics background. They will laugh too. There is no trace of the mains present in the PSU of an amplifier, so how can the mains wires or plugs make any difference to the sound of it?

You are right about acoustics, so there is some consolation there.


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