SteveR750: So, for the jury is still out, its by no means clear cut yet...
That sounds like a vote for the SHBs as the cost difference to the Chords is about £20. Have you experienced the 'burn in' that the seller reports is needed to get the best out of the SHB?
The SHB's have been running about 30 hours. Earler I decided that the Cobra III's were better, bigger soundstage, better positioning, warmer alance. I'be since put the SHB's back in they do have a sweeter clearer top end, but to my ears a slightly nasal quality. I really can't decide which sound I prefer. The difference is not however night and day, a million miles from the jump from a NAD C352 to the K2, or the 541 to the Cyrus. Then again, we are talking about £20. Bear in mind that Will says he won't be selling these cables at £23 once his website goes live, indeed his speaker cable will be £35/metre, which is somewhat more than Carnival SS. Maybe indded they just don't suit my system, but I'm only describing what my ears hear, and I know from other experience that I don't have odd hearing or deafness. I have to say I do wonder about the placebo effect of rave reviews - after all anything second hand that was a 5 star WHF winner will sell, even it really is outdated and outclassed (and maybe wasn't as good as made our originally, after all this is a subjective appraisal), perhaps I am simply being too sceptical!