Integrated Amp Suggestions


Active member
Apr 11, 2024
I have a choice between 2 integrated amps. I don't need a phono stage or dac abilities.
My main decision point is pairing with my speakers and sound quality, as both should have more than enough power.
I am running a set of Q acoustics concept 30's. Mainly, I listen to rock and jazz.

Choices are:
1) an Exposure 3010 integrated Amp about 10 years old
2) a Peachtree Nova 150

both are about the same price used so no difference there.
Any suggestions?
I have a choice between 2 integrated amps. I don't need a phono stage or dac abilities.
My main decision point is pairing with my speakers and sound quality, as both should have more than enough power.
I am running a set of Q acoustics concept 30's. Mainly, I listen to rock and jazz.

Choices are:
1) an Exposure 3010 integrated Amp about 10 years old
2) a Peachtree Nova 150

both are about the same price used so no difference there.
Any suggestions?
The Peachtree Nova actually makes great play of the fact it does have extensive DAC features so you'd be paying for something you say you don't want with this. It is also class D amplification where I believe the Exposure is class A/B if that makes a difference to you.
It is worth figuring out whether the USB ports on the Peachtree Nova 150 or the newer Peachtree Carina 150/300/500 could power a Raspberry Pi 5, for streaming purposes, when connected with a single USB cable for both power as well as data transmission. Another option to look out for would be an all-in-one streaming amplifier.
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The Peachtree Nova actually makes great play of the fact it does have extensive DAC features so you'd be paying for something you say you don't want with this. It is also class D amplification where I believe the Exposure is class A/B if that makes a difference to you.
i guess at this point I have a decision to make and without the option to demo either I'm not sure. Sound quality is important given my style of music, rock and jazz
Hi, Q Acoustics Concept 30 are quite soft and politely sounding speakers. They need drive and energy to sound their best. Means romantic Peachtree amp is off the game. Exposure is a solide choice. This is musical amp with a big heart and also good dynamic. I will take more care with selection of the amp. This is most important step in your system. And you need to hear the combo yourself. Also Roksan Caspian or Rega Elicit-R will be very good pairing, there are second hand ones for sure.
Hi, Q Acoustics Concept 30 are quite soft and politely sounding speakers. They need drive and energy to sound their best. Means romantic Peachtree amp is off the game. Exposure is a solide choice. This is musical amp with a big heart and also good dynamic. I will take more care with selection of the amp. This is most important step in your system. And you need to hear the combo yourself. Also Roksan Caspian or Rega Elicit-R will be very good pairing, there are second hand ones for sure.
I am really leaning toward the Exposure as well. Unfortunately, I have no options to demo amps in my area. I'm just way too far from any centres and no one close has any selection. We're talking a plane ride away.
I think you will not regret choice of Expisure. Just remember jo enjoy such good amp-speaker combo, you need also very good source componet/s either digital or analog ones, good set up of speakers in your room, cables etc.


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