I'm bored with hi-fi.

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Most genres: Classic/modern Soul, Funk, Indie, Grunge, Pop, SKA, Reggae, Jazz....
I think "I'm fed up with music" is probably too strong. There is no harm in taking a break and doing something else, instead. Personally I don't think throwing money at hardware is the answer.

For me music is not an end in itself. I'm not very good at silence and distractions and I can only take so much TV etc. I often have music on in the background, whilst doing something else. Basically I hear music at least as much as I listen to it.
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Been there several times; it usually passes when I find a "vein" of new music. When it happens I try to resist looking at my equipment as it's as good as it will reasonably get (in fact, a bit beyond reasonable). I've found so much new music in the last few years I crave the dopamine high of new music discovery!
Perhaps it has never mattered as much as your equipment to you. It feels I read that every day, for many -not that there's anything wrong with that... 😉
I've always been a music first person, I'm just lucky to have a decent kit. Otherwise, I could easily live with a used mini system from 30 years ago.

In other words my kit is a nice bonus.
I think it’s nice to have nice kit, but at the end of the day, it’s all about the music, at least for me. I must admit that these last couple of years I find myself losing interest in music. I think it’s a combination of a certain amount of depression and the apparent lack of really good new music, where have the big bands gone? It seems to me that there’s nothing new to get excited about. I blame the big bands from the 70’s, who used up all the good tunes. To me, modern music is just drivel.
Just my opinion.
My primary setup in the living room is quite a conservative choice. I went on for months in reviews to know for sure that what I bought would (if it will stay in good shape) not need any replacement. It is a mix of what sounds best for me, is practical (in case of the digital integrated amp) and compliments the interior.

For my second setup I am done with my loudspeakers now and might be complete with my amp too when the Sansui AU101 comes back from servicing.

I don't get bored of things easily, there is always some interesting music somewhere. Even if I would get bored, it all is still a practical setup for the family as a whole. Might pass it on if my daughter would be interested.
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Still love the sound of my bundles, have used it sparingly over the last couple of weeks. Hope I'm not falling out of love with the kit. Perhaps I've had the amp too long, I don't really know - I'm scratching for an answer.
I had this a few years ago. I'd played music so much during the first year of lockdown that the following year, I didn't listen to anything! It'll come back, just take a break.
I had this a few years ago. I'd played music so much during the first year of lockdown that the following year, I didn't listen to anything! It'll come back, just take a break.
Cheers. Yes, same thing happened to me in 2020 the following year I really lost a little interest. That's another reason why I wouldn't work in the audio business.

Professional overdose.
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Just Reboot.......Sell all your gear and start the journey again on a different path.

A new horizon beckons ...
I think that when he is done with hi-fi, that a new journey is not really an option. Sometimes new interests are there and the old ones are left.

I would just leave the system connected for the family if space is not the problem and see if I regain interest. Then just start with the same stuff again or pass it on if that 'click' doesn't happen anymore.
This thread prompted me to make a couple of concerted efforts and actually sit and listen properly. Really enjoyed it, but have come to the rather melancholy conclusion that for the first time in my life I am noticing some roll-off in the high frequencies I can hear. It's just with very quiet, very high and delicate sounds, but it's there (or should I say not there) nonetheless.

I know we all have impaired hearing in comparison with our younger selves, but that doesn't feel great...
This thread prompted me to make a couple of concerted efforts and actually sit and listen properly. Really enjoyed it, but have come to the rather melancholy conclusion that for the first time in my life I am noticing some roll-off in the high frequencies I can hear. It's just with very quiet, very high and delicate sounds, but it's there (or should I say not there) nonetheless.

I know we all have impaired hearing in comparison with our younger selves, but that doesn't feel great...
Hi 12th Monkey - Sorry to hear that and welcome to the club. I've lost the upper half of my treble & also have tinnitus (chronic childhood ear infections damaged both ears). Just wanted to let you know even so I can still enjoy music very much! I do, however lament the imaging I'm missing...
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This thread prompted me to make a couple of concerted efforts and actually sit and listen properly. Really enjoyed it, but have come to the rather melancholy conclusion that for the first time in my life I am noticing some roll-off in the high frequencies I can hear. It's just with very quiet, very high and delicate sounds, but it's there (or should I say not there) nonetheless.

I know we all have impaired hearing in comparison with our younger selves, but that doesn't feel great...
I am not enjoying getting old, bits of me don't work as well as they used to which is frustrating.
Hi 12th Monkey - Sorry to hear that and welcome to the club. I've lost the upper half of my treble & also have tinnitus (chronic childhood ear infections damaged both ears). Just wanted to let you know even so I can still enjoy music very much! I do, however lament the imaging I'm missing...
Thanks for that - I appreciate the sentiment. Trying ear drops at present and will book a hearing test tomorrow. Maybe they'll tell me it's wax, but I'm not expecting it. Mrs 12th can hear what I was not able to hear so I know it's still there, although she'd never heard it before and described my listening approach as forensic. Not sure how to take that!
"I'm bored with HiFi'" I think this is hardly surprising, given that as a pastime it requires very little skill or on going involvement from the participant, it mostly involves opening your wallet and suffering the sales man, the rest is quite a passive activity.

Of course I like music, but HiFi doesn't involve the listener to do much hence the reward is small. Compare that to learning to play the piano or painting for art, its hard, but your progress however slow is rewarding and requires the participant to put some effort in.