how to optimise the equipment I presently own and on a tight budget


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Aug 10, 2019
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I have collected over the years (mostly new but some second hand thanks recently to e-bay) the following. In the lounge alongside the tv/sky+ a Cambridge Audio Azur 540A v2 amp/640C v2 cd/DenonDR-24HX cassette deck (+many metal tapes). I got what I thought were good interconnects (gold plated) and speaker cables.I listen to this through a pair of white bose cube speakers and a gale active sub-woofer (speakers almost invisible which pleases my wife, very important). For when my lady wife is watching tv I have commandered a spare bedroom where I have a Rotel RA-820A amp/an old mission cd player courtesy of e-bay/AKAI GX 4000D reel to reel tape deck /MarantzTT251 turntable and listen through a small pair of Mordaunt-Short speakers mounted on shelves. Can you suggest how I might optimise what I have aquired so far but on a tight budget or am I beyond hope? I have tried starting by getting the best 'source' and working from there, surely there must be other hi-fi 'learners out there like me? I am aiming on keeping the tape decks as I grew up with this sort of technology so please humour me on that one. I did consider getting a Project turntable, have seen some at sub £200 at Richer sounds?? Started getting your magazine (june, july, august) am awaiting the september issue next week. a very enjoyable and informative read. Many thanks Robert


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Aug 24, 2007
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I think your problem lies in the speakers. Swap the Bose for something a bit bigger, they don't have to be massive, but teeny little things can only do so much.


thanks for that, was hoping my cambridge audio amp/cd player would suffice, they are about the limit of my budget. so speakers it is, i will have to shop around. would probably be able to upgrade the amp/cd one item at a time in the near future so will go for the best speakers i can afford for now. many thanks


ouch, yes hifi. i obviously have a lot to learn. there dont seem to be any decent audio retail outlets near my neck of the woods where i might hear a good set-up to use as a yardstick. i grew up thinking a radiogram was real hifi, just feeling my way at the moment but thanks for the input

the record spot

the record spot:We are still talking hifi here yes???

Lost In Translation??

Probably! I was really referring to Joel's previous sentence than the OP's post.

As to changes on a shoestring, move your speakers around to gain the best position that gives you your preferred sound. Wires and cables, well, you needn't spend huge sums. Some do, personal experience of late means it's unlikely I will again. YMMV.

Thereafter, a relatively low cost upgrade would be to buy newer speakers such as Wharfedale's rather good 9.1 which, now having been superceded by the 10 series, is available for little outlay.

Depending on your budget, perhaps after saving, there are other good quality bookshelf speakers you can look at from Roth, Mordaunt Short, Q Acoustics and the like. Secondhand can also be a good way to get a good deal and apart from Ebay, do check out the likes of Gumtree for your area which can have some great finds.


again, thanks for that. I believe it is important to select the right speakers if they are to sit with their 'backs to the wall'. can you think of any that would come in a 'white' finish, I still have to reach some kind of compromise with my lady wife on how visually intrusive the are likely to be. kind regards Robert

the record spot

White and on a budget may be stretching it, but I hear Rega have introduced a gloss white finish for their RS1 standmount (as well as the rest of their range). Not sure what that clocks in at pricewise, but worth shortlisting as and when funds allow.

Alternatively, a quick scan over the Superfi bookshelf speakers pages threw up the Q Acoustics 2010 in gloss white at £99. Well reviewed and worth a look perhaps?


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