Help...any plasma experts out there???


New member
Aug 10, 2019
My bro just bought a pana 42x10b and finds that the picture quality is lovely....

Until he sees a large white area on the picture, say for example like in a tesco ad, when the colours becone desaturated and the white doesnt appear too 'bright'. He is used to lcd, however, so maybe thats what it is. It only occurs when there is a large white area on the screen. Also occurred on a gmtv cheapo competition graphic as the background was white. The itv2 logo is the same at ad time as its against a totally white background. This is with freeview, not sky.

I have an lcd myself so am not familiar with his issue. Please help!
try lowering the contrast.....
Nothing to worry about. White consumes most electric current, so plasma TV dims when picture is all white. Thats the case with all plasma TV on market...
Thanks mate. Was thinking it might have been a problem with the processing chip as its when viewing freeview, but if its across the board with all plasmas, that's fine. Thanks.
A plasma panel struggles when asked to display a totally white screen due to the nature of how they are constructed, so when the screen is prodominantly white they can appear to look greyish/less bright, this has nothing to do with power consumption.

When you calibrate the greyscale on a plasma using the 0-100 IRE test paterns, you use test paterns that have the white aera only taking up a proportion of the screen (surounded by black) because plasmas struggle to produce a perfect all white screen to ensure the white level readings within the 0-100IRE scales readings are correct. With propper calibration you may well find the issues your brother is seeing are lessend.

Some very good info on properly calibrating your TV HERE
Well, thats true, but it has lots to do with power consumption. Plasma cell consumes most energy displaying white; as u can see, plasma can produce really nice white, if display area is significally smaller then whole screen. I believe producers limited power consumptio to some extend, so plasma have xy power in reserve; that number is not enough to give full screen white. If u measured white, u can notice that full screen white rarely exceed 60-70 cd/m2, that looks dim in most cases... If u want nice whites, plasmas would consume 2x - 3x more electric current in that case, up to 1000W or so, and since they already consumes lots more than LCD, thats not accaptable scenario...
I suppose what you are saying then about power consumption to display white would make sense as that would also explain why a plasma buzzes more when displaying a all white screen over a prodominantly dark one as more power is going through the TV circuits etc, so even tho the plasma cells are constantly primed and using some power this is then highly greatend to display white.

Personally I don't mind about my Plaz using more juice than a LCD as the PQ to me is so much better on a decent Plaz but there limits.
True... I dont mind power consumptiom, I also have Panasonic FullHD plasma 🙂

And yes, it does buzz more when the picture is bright


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