insider9 said:Thanks for sharing. Very interesting indeed. However I'd question distortion figures in new amps and how much they really matter. Ultimately even if the amp gives you the least distortion there's so much distortion you can hear from speakers and room interaction that ultimately it matters very little what amp is doing in terms of distortion. I've measured many Class A and AB amps now whether it's £4k or £200 amp audible distortion was determined by that of speakers and room. The only exception was Class D in the same scenario that showed lower distortion figures when measured in the same way. Although it sounded wrong to my ears.
Normally I'd agree with you but when you listen to a Hegel you will hear whats different. Then other amps seem very noisy/grainy etc.
Kinda like going from controlled active back to flabby bass passive
And I've tested hi end naim, Cyrus, sudgen and a few more.
Something is definitely different