I've had many of my CDs nearly 4 decades, but unlike many on here, I don't have a sentimental attachment to 5 inch discs of polycarbonate, never mind 12 inch lumps of vinyl. These things are just not worth getting emotional about. 'Some added convenience' is quite an understatement. Again, having access to 100 million tunes and podcasts, is far more convenient financially, practically and the quality is also there. I used to cherish my CDs, but all this music is online now, with millions of other albums I could never find on CD or download and the potential cost would run into tens of thousands of pounds. The arguments against streaming are getting weaker by the day and I thought more people on here would be more excited about the devices now available to stream music. It's state of the art technology and I love my current setup. There would be zero benefits ditching my streaming amp and trying to find and pay for a huge number of CDs. I'm curious to know what albums are not available online. I get the feeling 'anti-streamers' go out of their way to find an album not available online. There can't be many albums not available online and complaining about the lack of very obscure albums is odd. Most people and it must be more than 99%, are able to find over 99% of their music. I'm paying £11 a month for Spotify and it's on 24/7 and muted at night. My tunes are a button press away, or a quick search.