I've just purchased GTA IV on PS3. On the box it says that resolution will be 1080p. I started a game and it says on my telly that it is 720p !!! Does anyone know why??? I've got Full HD tv of course!!! Does anyone know how to change it???
Should be under Display Settings > Video Output Settings - you can choose Custom and make sure 1080p is ticked. Is it good? Sitting at work with it in my bag having managed to grab a non pre-ordered copy early this morning! Ticking away the hours!!
I managed to find one with no pre-order as well In ps3 settings mine 1080 output is ticked!! In ps3 menu it says 1080 all the time but once I put GTA disc on it changes to 720p !!!! I don't know why!!!
Very strange! Unfortunately I have the Xbox 360 version (as this is what my friends have) so can't test it for you later. I've looked at a few posts around the net, but can't find any guarantees that it's in 1080p. Having said that, Sony are usually pretty good on their boxes in that if it says 1080p on the back, it's true 1080p (unlike the 360 which might say 1080p but actually means 720p upscaled to 1080p via the Xbox).
I wouldn't even mind it if it's upscaled to 1080p but it it straight 720p now and I think that is no the way is should be!!! Game is brilliant anyway! There is no much to complain about just that little thing thanks for you help though
Interesting. I can't wait to get a copy I thought 'San Andreas' was good.
Well until I was hitting my head on the wall after it use to freeze when completing a frickin hard mission, lol.