Hi All,
Just joined the forum as I could not understand all the techno babble on some other forums.
Had a Sony CRT for many years and decided to upgrade to a larger LCD.
I know nil about them so went straight to What HI FI and bought the 37W5500 as recommended, from Amazon.
Sony Centre tried to sell me a 3710 for £949, which apparently is the same TV as the 5500?
Anyway I was getting confused with people telling me differant things so bought the above for £699.
Do not have HD or blu ray, so will just be watching normal TV from SKY+
Have I done the right thing and can anybody give me any feedback on the model I have bought? (In english please)
Just joined the forum as I could not understand all the techno babble on some other forums.
Had a Sony CRT for many years and decided to upgrade to a larger LCD.
I know nil about them so went straight to What HI FI and bought the 37W5500 as recommended, from Amazon.
Sony Centre tried to sell me a 3710 for £949, which apparently is the same TV as the 5500?
Anyway I was getting confused with people telling me differant things so bought the above for £699.
Do not have HD or blu ray, so will just be watching normal TV from SKY+
Have I done the right thing and can anybody give me any feedback on the model I have bought? (In english please)