Fake Oil...


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2011
Never mind Snake Oil keep your eyes open for Fake Oil... Interconnect counterfeiting is now BIG business in China, probably due to the money involved. I have just been raped for 150 beans on an XLO cable which turned out to be bogus. It sounded awful in my system so I put it on eBay to sell it on. I had no idea until a potential buyer alerted me to its fakeness. Going through the motions on eBay with a claim as I type this post. Buyer beware! If it looks too good to be true it probably is. Especially if you are buying it from China!
If they're making their way over here - and they obviously are - then I'd say beware full stop. This used to be n issue for Van Den Hul purchasers, but obviously now can affect anyone. As general advice for all, it might cost a bit more to purchase from a UK dealer, but at least you know you're buying genuine product, and chances are, a dealer will loan you the cable to try first. Also, this helps genuine businesses, rather than funding counterfeiters - and in some cases, terrorism.
David, I'm a big fan of yours. I think you're quite the hifi guru and generally find your posts enjoyable and educational.

Having got that bit out of the way...

Terrorism, REALLY??...
There are no UK dealers for xlo presently.

With xlo if the price is too good to be true it often is sign of a fake, especially if it's coming from China.

Gazzip don't be put off xlo they don't sound crap I think they make all other cables sound so. Just my opinion.

What cable was it supposed to be and where do you live roughly??
Hi gazzip,sorry to hear that you had bought a bad xlo cable ,which I hope doesn't put you off buying xlo cable,I have a full loom of xlo cable throughout my hifi system ,xlo cable truly are excellent cable best I've ever owned ,if you don't mind me asking what cable was it that you bought. David
Hi gazzip,sorry to hear that you had bought a bad xlo cable ,which I hope doesn't put you off buying xlo cable,I have a full loom of xlo cable throughout my hifi system ,xlo cable truly are excellent cable best I've ever owned ,if you don't mind me asking what cable was it that you bought. David
Snikoes said:
David, I'm a big fan of yours. I think you're quite the hifi guru and generally find your posts enjoyable and educational.

Having got that bit out of the way...

Terrorism, REALLY??...
Yes! Unlikely, granted, but there are many terrorist activities worldwide that are funded in numerous ways, including counterfeit goods.
It's a particularly niche, specialist terrorist who thinks his activities are best funded through connoisseur hifi interconnects. He sounds like he would probably be my favourite variety of terrorist!
Snikoes said:
It's a particularly niche, specialist terrorist who thinks his activities are best funded through connoisseur hifi interconnects. He sounds like he would probably be my favourite variety of terrorist!

PLO, ISIS, IXOS, QED. They're all the same.
I brought ghds really cheap for my missis. Never again
2 countries younever buy direct from: china and nigeria
Gazzip probably can't really tell the difference between £2 and £1000 interconnects if they both make a connection. The reason is that nobody can really.
ellisdj said:
You will like this TrevC. Fellow forum user and good pal of mine has done a test.

Got his wife to listen. Told her nothing but swopped usb cables that link an external ssd caddy with ssd with music on to a pioneer n50 streamer

The cables were a freebie one I made for him and a JCAT usb.

Asked her for the best sound each time bearing in mind she had no idea what he was changing

His wife said the jcat sounded best consistently across multiple songs that were tested.

No shock there to me

You will like this TrevC. Fellow forum user and good pal of mine has done a test.

Got his wife to listen. Told her nothing but swopped usb cables that link an external ssd caddy with ssd with music on to a pioneer n50 streamer

The cables were a freebie one I made for him and a JCAT usb.

Asked her for the best sound each time bearing in mind she had no idea what he was changing

His wife said the jcat sounded best consistently across multiple songs that were tested.

No shock there to me
He did it just to see if the cable made a difference to see if it was worth buying a better one than my diy or the freeby one that came with something.
TrevC you can laugh but across multiple songs pure luck means she would have picked a random selection not the same one every time.

But she picked the jcat everytime.
I dare say he will buy one now
Just been texting my pal about the usb test
Funny he said one time he double bluffed his wife leaving the same freeby cable in and for that song she said it sounded the same as the one before.

That cracked me up.
All good fun! The 'My wife even heard the difference' theory is as old as the hills, but always worth a punt.

I think this is how many dealers demo gear, especially the PRAT brigade, where they accidentally look all animated and toe tapping when the preferred item is played. The giveaway is that many cannot tap in time, and not because the amp is wrong...!
If your wife sits and listens to music on your system for a past time activity but is not an active hobbyist, does that make her opinion any less valid than anyone else? it doesn't and this is the case with my pal and his wife. She has better hearing than him he feels as well.

It's not a typical wife walked in and commented situation he used another sets of ears that were available and also familiar with the content and system. Fact those ears were on a female has no relevance the result is the same
ellisdj said:
If your wife sits and listens to music on your system for a past time activity but is not an active hobbyist, does that make her opinion any less valid than anyone else? it doesn't and this is the case with my pal and his wife. She has better hearing than him he feels as well.

It's not a typical wife walked in and commented situation he used another sets of ears that were available and also familiar with the content and system. Fact those ears were on a female has no relevance the result is the same

Therfore all wife's are valid test subjects.

My wife's hearing is better than mine and she's a trained pianist, but then again it's not her listening to my hifi.
No but if you wanted an honest will this make a difference or will I be wasting my money if I buy one opinion based on a "blind" listening Test you setup her ears might make a good candidate for your test.
Obviously TrevC will say it's all a waste of money but the result was the result luck or truth whatever.
TrevC said:
ellisdj said:
He could tell the fakes sounded cr*p easy enough and they made a connection ok

He said he did. Didn't really.

All of the physics points towards interconnects having properties which can effect the sound produced. Your knowledge base is (I think) in electronics and refers only to the conductive/resistive properties of metals. The rest of the scientific picture (dielectrics etc.) you don't really seem to understand.
Sorry gone grossly off topic my fault. Interested to hear back from Gazzip re the xlo.
Sorry again
Gazzip said:
Never mind Snake Oil keep your eyes open for Fake Oil... Interconnect counterfeiting is now BIG business in China, probably due to the money involved. I have just been raped for 150 beans on an XLO cable which turned out to be bogus. It sounded awful in my system so I put it on eBay to sell it on. I had no idea until a potential buyer alerted me to its fakeness. Going through the motions on eBay with a claim as I type this post. Buyer beware! If it looks too good to be true it probably is. Especially if you are buying it from China!

WHAT ? You mean that the land that makes fake amplifiers, fake guitars, fake design furnitures, fake Louis Vuitton bags and even fake food, is making fake "interconnects" too ? Wow !


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