Facebook hifi groups - weird

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The ever fruitful idea of turning ones software into hardwear, seems to work. Although since I can’t get laid as Steve mentions I’m not sure what you can do with a bass reflex port. Oh arrr......
Steve Porter said:
it’s so easy to be a keyboard worrier sad little man your a joke where ever you go I get on peoples nerves such a shame I’m not the 1 who hides there profile never mind

its you are a joke or you’re a joke. You can’t even write.

This is the guy who asked me to accept his Facebook request pretending to be me, then proceeded to abuse some other guy pretending to be me.
QuestForThe13thNote said:
Steve Porter said:
it’s so easy to be a keyboard worrier sad little man your a joke where ever you go I get on peoples nerves such a shame I’m not the 1 who hides there profile never mind

its you are a joke or you’re a joke. You can’t even write.

This is the guy who asked me to accept his Facebook request pretending to be me, then proceeded to abuse some other guy pretending to be me.

It’s lt’s not Its. If you’re going to be an apostrophe pedant then you need to be more careful! *stop*
I contacted Paul at hi Fi lounge to say it’s not on that fanthorpes of Hull should be making demo deliveries to customers in somerset when there are dealers on route and nearer including Paul, who I think was the nearest. A chap on the Facebook page of pmc was after listening to fact speakers but didn’t have a local dealer. Paul was very greatful of my report.

I think this is why fanthorpes were happy to deliver all over the uk as they are doing work everywhere in the uk, maybe installs, and then they take business off local dealers. Unethical really. A manufacturer like pmc has to keep all its dealers happy and the rule of only post delivering speakers to those who have bought in person in the show room, seems very sensible. Otherwise they would all be selling via mail order.
QuestForThe13thNote said:
I contacted Paul at hi Fi lounge to say it’s not on that fanthorpes of Hull should be making demo deliveries to customers in somerset when there are dealers on route and nearer including Paul, who I think was the nearest. A chap on the Facebook page of pmc was after listening to fact speakers but didn’t have a local dealer. Paul was very greatful of my report.

I think this is why fanthorpes were happy to deliver all over the uk as they are doing work everywhere in the uk, maybe installs, and then they take business off local dealers. Unethical really. A manufacturer like pmc has to keep all its dealers happy and the rule of only post delivering speakers to those who have bought in person in the show room, seems very sensible. Otherwise they would all be selling via mail order.

Nothing wrong with a bit of healthy competition between dealers. What on Earth is unethical about a geographically dislocated dealer providing a better service and keener prices in order to win customers? Your preferred “must buy local from whom we say” policy (if this is indeed a PMC policy) is also known as a cartel.

So to summarise you, as a consumer, would rather have your pants pulled down over an uncompeted local price than be allowed to shop around. You sir are a mentalist.

Was it not you in this very post, not two days ago, berating customers being too matey with dealers? Now you’re ringing your dealer “mate” to tell tales on another? Is there only one of you or are there several of you posting on this forum, because your opinions swing like a ******* wrecking ball almost hourly.
Gazzip said:
QuestForThe13thNote said:
I contacted Paul at hi Fi lounge to say it’s not on that fanthorpes of Hull should be making demo deliveries to customers in somerset when there are dealers on route and nearer including Paul, who I think was the nearest. A chap on the Facebook page of pmc was after listening to fact speakers but didn’t have a local dealer. Paul was very greatful of my report.

I think this is why fanthorpes were happy to deliver all over the uk as they are doing work everywhere in the uk, maybe installs, and then they take business off local dealers. Unethical really. A manufacturer like pmc has to keep all its dealers happy and the rule of only post delivering speakers to those who have bought in person in the show room, seems very sensible. Otherwise they would all be selling via mail order.

Nothing wrong with a bit of healthy competition between dealers. What on Earth is unethical about a geographically dislocated dealer providing a better service and keener prices in order to win customers? Your preferred “must buy local from whom we say” policy (if this is indeed a PMC policy) is also known as a cartel.

So to summarise you, as a consumer, would rather have your pants pulled down over an uncompeted local price than be allowed to shop around. You sir are a mentalist.

Was it not you in this very post, not two days ago, berating customers being too matey with dealers? Now you’re ringing your dealer “mate” to tell tales on another? Is there only one of you or are there several of you posting on this forum, because your opinions swing like a ******* wrecking ball almost hourly.

Its a balance of both perspectives isn’t it. Im sure David would have something to say about this as a dealer himself.

Of course everyone wants a good price zippo but my point is you get that from being at and visiting the dealer, listening and supporting them (where they are good unlike my personal view of fanthorpes). They can all offer good deals on this sort of stuff with the margins decent and if you are spending thousands, even smaller shops that sell less.

If you then get it by mail order from that dealer you went too first, fine. You can’t go into your local dealer down south, listen to pmcs, then buy from fanthorpes in Hull over mail order or home driven to you, as they are supplying everywhere and taking other shops business. This is because pmcs rule is for shops to only send stuff mail order if purchased in store as Tom Barron of pmc told me, when he delivered my speakers. It gives undue prominence to Fanthorpes, by mail order and self delivery, especially if you phone a far away dealer for a price and they tell you to go to your local dealer.

I drove a good distance to get mine from hi Fi lounge visiting the shop first as I wanted to support a good dealer and audio t in Brighton had not a good part ex deal at all.

My dealer isn’t a mate just someone I’ve transacted with and knowing the above I thought it only decent to let him know. I’m sure if manufacturers don’t have these rules then you are right, all fair in competition and business. I have no issue with people being matey with dealers, and I’m friendly with the ones I know, I just don’t get it when you buy them beers already having given them a grand was my point.
It would be odd if you bought a pair of pmc speakers from a dealer in Devon 10 Miles from where you live, only for fanthorpes home deliver them to you from Hull for the same price. Especially £6-£7k ish speakers, I see why they have an incentive to drive down. I’m sure the local Devon dealer would have something to say. I know I would if I was that dealer.
QuestForThe13thNote said:
It would be odd if you bought a pair of pmc speakers from a dealer in Devon 10 Miles from where you live, only for fanthorpes home deliver them to you from Hull for the same price. Especially £6-£7k ish speakers, I see why they have an incentive to drive down. I’m sure the local Devon dealer would have something to say. I know I would if I was that dealer.

It's called capitalism.
QuestForThe13thNote said:
It would be odd if you bought a pair of pmc speakers from a dealer in Devon 10 Miles from where you live, only for fanthorpes home deliver them to you from Hull for the same price. Especially £6-£7k ish speakers, I see why they have an incentive to drive down. I’m sure the local Devon dealer would have something to say. I know I would if I was that dealer.

I am sure he would have something to say. Perhaps something along the lines of; “hmmm... the guy from Hull is selling these for less than me AND can afford to take two people out of the shop to deliver and install them AND can afford to pay for the petrol/van etc. to do this AND pay for their hotel AND he is still making a nice profit? Maybe I should reduce my massive, cartel induced profit a bit and try to win some of that business instead of sitting here on my fat, dumb ass, skinning the locals blind?”

That would be a good start.
More like being called unethical and failing to follow pmc procedures.

Capitalism is also asking if a product type has ever gone wrong, to be told it hasn’t by fanthorpes, then to find out it’s blown up speakers two weeks prior on another persons kit. I wouldn’t accept that under capitalism. I’m not sure many would think that morally ok.
QuestForThe13thNote said:
More like being called unethical and failing to follow pmc procedures.

Capitalism is also asking if a product type has ever gone wrong, to be told it hasn’t by fanthorpes, then to find out it’s blown up speakers two weeks prior on another persons kit. I wouldn’t accept that under capitalism. I’m not sure many would think that morally ok.

So it’s a hate campaign. I see.
Reassurance stemming from entitlement can provide temporary relief from the very distress caused by entitlement,” said Julie Exline, co-author of the study. But these benefits are short-lived; long-term consequences associated with entitled behavior include poor relationships, interpersonal conflicts, and depression.

The day I reduced that spoiled brat adolescence sense of entitlement, my life started improving and I began earning good money. If I become more stoic and even less entitled, I think I'll do even better.

My advice to the local hifi shop is to be smart, find incentives for buyers to go local, "adapt or die". Guilting them in your store likely doesn't work. Throwing tantrums and holding the world hostage so it can meet your entitlement and expectations doesn't work.

SJWs that are so worried over someone elses ethics don't lead very happy lives. Worry about your own. As Dr. Jordan Pieterson says, to improve the world, improve yourself. Live ethically, don't demand (or expect it) from others.
Gazzip said:
QuestForThe13thNote said:
It would be odd if you bought a pair of pmc speakers from a dealer in Devon 10 Miles from where you live, only for fanthorpes home deliver them to you from Hull for the same price. Especially £6-£7k ish speakers, I see why they have an incentive to drive down. I’m sure the local Devon dealer would have something to say. I know I would if I was that dealer.

I am sure he would have something to say. Perhaps something along the lines of; “hmmm... the guy from Hull is selling these for less than me AND can afford to take two people out of the shop to deliver and install them AND can afford to pay for the petrol/van etc. to do this AND pay for their hotel AND he is still making a nice profit? Maybe I should reduce my massive, cartel induced profit a bit and try to win some of that business instead of sitting here on my fat, dumb ass, skinning the locals blind?”

That would be a good start.

i was saying if the Devon dealer was going to sell at the same price, so your scenario can’t apply but of course I’m not denying a free market, just making a point on the moral dealings of this dealer. I’m taking it you’ve bought from fanthorpes? Often they are required to not discount below Rrp under their terms, so offer deals in other ways eg speaker cable free, discounts on other stuff. I wouldn’t be surprised if this fixed rrp is a contractual requirement with the dealer and pmc, which some dealers break. Maybe this price setting is more of a cartel than anything.
Vladimir said:
Reassurance stemming from entitlement can provide temporary relief from the very distress caused by entitlement,” said Julie Exline, co-author of the study. But these benefits are short-lived; long-term consequences associated with entitled behavior include poor relationships, interpersonal conflicts, and depression.

The day I reduced that spoiled brat adolescence sense of entitlement, my life started improving and I began earning good money. If I become more stoic and even less entitled, I think I'll do even better.

My advice to the local hifi shop is to be smart, find incentives for buyers to go local, "adapt or die". Guilting them in your store likely doesn't work. Throwing tantrums and holding the world hostage so it can meet your entitlement and expectations doesn't work.

SJWs that are so worried over someone elses ethics don't lead very happy lives. Worry about your own. As Dr. Jordan Pieterson says, to improve the world, improve yourself. Live ethically, don't demand (or expect it) from others.

An interesting one for me is a mix of capitalism and socialism, as I don’t think you can have one in isolation. But if they are in a free market they should have at each other, but realise they still have to follow rules beset to them.

I was watching a documentary the other day about 3 child abuse victims of Caldicott public school as I’m reading a book about boarding school syndrome, being somewhat a ‘survivor’ myself. One of the guys abused is trying to get mandatory reporting of making it illegal if public school teachers don’t report strong suspicions or knowledge of child abuse to the local LADO. Capitalism would have the school bury it in self interest as they are operating a fee paying business, with self reporting of themselves causing huge reputational damage, with the effect potential further child abuse victims could happen, as has actually happened at Caldicott and other schools. So I’m not sure you could apply your thinking carte Blanche Vlad. This chap is actively trying to worry about others for non selfish reasons.
QuestForThe13thNote said:
It would be odd if you bought a pair of pmc speakers from a dealer in Devon 10 Miles from where you live, only for fanthorpes home deliver them to you from Hull for the same price. Especially £6-£7k ish speakers, I see why they have an incentive to drive down. I’m sure the local Devon dealer would have something to say. I know I would if I was that dealer.
I can't really comment on the particular example being discussed earlier as I don't know the full story, but as above, yes, it would be odd to buy from a dealer over a hundred miles or more away when your local dealer will supply at the same price, unless you've fallen out with your local dealer or don't get on with them. Mail order is a different - if you're the sole dealer for a specific area, that doesn't stop someone ordering a product from that manufacturer from wherever they like - but again, using your local dealer's demo facilities/knowledge etc then ordering mail order is a bit of a no no - and there's only so many times you'll be able to do that before the dealer puts his foot down. And rightly so. He's investing a lot of money in a premises and demo stock for the convenience of visiting customers, and he needs to keep that running - if someone is abusing that, they'll soon be weeded out. This, I'm guessing, is probably the most common reason for falling out with a dealer (other than a dealer who doesn't have the right attributes for dealing with members of the public).

It's the same old thing though - if you don't use your local dealers, they will disappear.


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