iceman16 said:Matt..have'nt heard the Devialet. How do you compare it with MF AMS 35i with a decent source,room acoustics,cabling etc..?
Hi Iceman,
I haven't heard them side by side. I lived with the AMS35i for a week in the summer, and I've heard both amps with the same speakers (Harbeth SHL5s, PMC Fact 8s, B&W 804s) and good sources (e.g. CDPs from Audio Research and Copland). From memory, I'd say the sound profile is very similar indeed. My feeling is that the MF has (or sounds as though it has) a slight "smile" to its frequency curve, whereas the Devialet's is as flat as Norfolk. I also think the Devialet has a lower noise floor. But the differences are, I think, very small.
I'd have been extremely happy with the MF, but the Devialet 170 is slightly better value (thanks to its oustanding built-in DAC), has a far better remote control, isn't rock ugly, and incorporates all sorts of wizardry for room correction etc. I run mine from a cheapo (£150) NAS drive via USB, which, as far as I can tell, sounds as good as the CD transports I've heard. Devialet really is a game-changer.